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Today was full of meetings for me which really sucked because I had literally no sleep. I was up until 3 am working some things out with a movie director in New Zealand. Stupid time zones. Then when I was about to head to sleep, Brody began crying. He never usual wakes up in the night so I knew something was wrong, he had been sick.

Brody was in our bed since we wanted to keep an eye on him. The time was currently 8 am and I was shattered! I could really use having a decent sleep but I have a meeting in an hour so I can't.

"Baby please can you just cancel the meeting? You aren't in the right state. You can barley keep your eyes open!" Britt sighed

"I can't, it's the meeting about my book then the others are about new movies. All important! I will be fine with some coffee" I mumbled


I was in my last meeting of the day when Rebel walked in. What is she doing here?!

"Sorry I am late, the traffic was crazy!" She huffed

She seen me and smiled widely, coming over and sitting next to me. I gave her a quick hug and they began the meeting. It was a new film we would begin filming after Pitch Perfect 3, I never knew Rebel was going to be in it though, they kept that a secret!

"One last thing I wanted to ask Anna before this meeting finishes. Would you consider having Charlie play a small role in the film? We thought we would ask you before finding some other child" Tony asked, he was the director

"I would have to speak to him when I get home. I will email you tonight, he probably will be up for it though" I told him

He thanked me and we was finally aloud to go home! It was currently 7pm and I was 10 minutes from falling asleep. I do not want to drive when I am this tired!

"Right I can tell that you are absolutely shattered so when you get home, please go to sleep and be ready for tomorrow because me, you, Britt and Ester are going out. We haven't seen one another in so long and I miss you bitches" Rebel said

"Sounds good to me. Unless I can't find someone to watch Brody" I sighed

"How about Sky?" She asked

"I could ask him I guess. He has Charlie for the weekend so worth a shot" I said


I have just got a phone call from Rebel asking if I could pick Anna up. She didn't want her driving when she was this tired. I agreed to since I didn't want her either, I didn't even want her going to the meetings today. We would have to pick her car up tomorrow or something, or get someone to drop it off.

Once we had gotten home I took Brody into the living room where he just sat on the sofa and carried on watching UP. He was still very quiet and was being sick every time he ate. He has been crying most the day but he doesn't seem too bad at the moment.

Anna was currently sitting in the living room, half asleep.

"Why don't you go to bed?" I asked

"I am about to clean the kitchen up, I will just sleep tonight" She mumbled

"Babe. Just head up to sleep. You need a decent sleep" I told her

"I can wait until later. I am not leaving you to do all the house work"

"Then we can do it tomorrow! The kitchen and the rest of the house isn't even messy. Just go to sleep, please?"

She shook her head and headed to the kitchen. This girl does not listen, too stubborn! Brody had fallen asleep so I took him upstairs, placing him in his own bed. I then headed downstairs and seen Anna just finishing cleaning the kitchen, clearly wasn't that messy if it didn't take long!

I went up behind her and picked her up bridle style, if she won't go to bed then I will just take her upstairs!

"Britt I don't want to go to sleep!" She huffed

"Baby you haven't slept in ages, plus it's 8pm so you might as well just go to bed now. I will come up once I have picked Emily up from her friends"

"Fine but text Charlie and tell him goodnight and that I love him?" She asked and I agreed that I would

*Sorry its short but I go back to college this week so I won't be able to upload until the weekend so thought I would do a short chapter!*

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