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Pitch Perfect 2 is finished! It took just over 4 months which was good! Of course it's not in cinemas yet as they need to do editing and credits, stuff like that! Last night we had a night out with everyone from the film since we won't see each other everyday. I think there is going to be a Pitch Perfect 3 which isn't till 2017! So we won't start filming that until 2016. 

Last night was an amazing night with the crew. Me and Anna didn't get in till 4am! Emily and Charlie stayed at a friends house since we was going to be out long! This morning Anna is hanging badly. I don't suffer from hangovers often unless I drink loads which I didn't last night because I know someone had to get Anna home safely.

"Anna come on get up, We have to go pick Emily up" I said nudging her

It was 1pm and we told Emily we would pick her up at half 1, Charlie has a party for his best-friend so we are picking him up there at half 6! 

"Mmmm" Anna mumbled

"Babe! It's one in the afternoon come on!" I said sternly 

I know Anna is 24 but she honestly is so lazy! I'm 5 years older than her and I sometimes feel like her mother?! {I do know that this isn't there ages but it's only a fanfiction so please just go with it}

"I'm tired and I have a banging headache! Let me sleep" Anna huffed into her pillow

I huffed and walked out our room and went to the garage. Once I got in the car I began to make my way to get Emily.

"No Mumma?" Emily asked as she got in the car

"Nope, Hungover from last night and will not move from our bed" I said and she laughed

"My friend is having a party this weekend, Can I go?" Em asked

"Is there going to be alcohol?" I asked

"It's a party Mum, Of course" 

"Then no, You are 16 and I don't want you drinking at that age!" I told her

"Why not?! I'm sure you or Mumma started drinking at that age!" She protested

"Anna did yes, That is how she ended getting pregnant at age 12!!! I don't want you getting pregnant at age 16! 16 is too young and 12 is even worse!" I said

I know I was 13 but I was an out of control teen! At least I didn't get pregnant at 12 like Anna did! Only a year difference I know. The whole way home Emily wouldn't stop going on about how she wanted to go to this party. As soon as we got home we was both arguing about it.

"Dudess! What's with the shouting?!" Anna whined from the sofa

"Mum won't let me go to a party this weekend because she thinks I will get drunk and then end up having sex and becoming pregnant at a young age like you two did!" Emily told Anna

"Babe, Emily isn't stupid like us, I am sure she won't even be drinking that much. Will you Em?" Anna said

"Nope, I might not even like alcohol yet!" 

"You can go Em" Anna told her 

Emily smiled happily and thanked her before she ran upstairs, Probably to tell her friends.

"Why did you say she could go?!" I asked clearly annoyed

I sat down on the sofa and Anna came over to me and straddled my lap.

"Because it's her first ever party! If she does get completely out of her face then we will know not to let her go to a party again, Like a test run" Anna smirked

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