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So me and Anna sat down with Emily and Charlie and told them about how they can choose a holiday that we can go on. Emily stuck with going to England and Charlie chose Australia! We would be going to England tomorrow, which is exciting and then Australia in 3 months since it's the only time we could get Charlie out of school since it would be half term, Emily now does online schooling.

Me and Anna have both been to England but neither of the kids have so they are more excited than us. Me and Anna would be sharing a room, obviously, and then Charlie and Emily would be sharing.

  ↓ ↓↓  Emily and Charlie's room ↓↓↓ 

  ↓ ↓↓  Emily and Charlie's room ↓↓↓ 

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  ↓ ↓↓  Sendricks Room ↓↓↓ 

In our room we also have a hot tub which is amazing, I have been trying to get one in our connected bathroom at home but Anna says we would never use it

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In our room we also have a hot tub which is amazing, I have been trying to get one in our connected bathroom at home but Anna says we would never use it. I am sure we would use it a lot but she is just too stubborn! I'm just going to get one placed in, I'm older anyway so...

"Baby are you all packed for England?" I asked Anna as I walked into the kitchen

She was eating some pasta for lunch. I have already eaten but she was on the phone with Mark for some reason.

"Course I have" She mumbled 

"Anna!" I huffed 

She just shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat her pasta. Once she had finished I grabbed her hand and walked up to our room. We left tomorrow morning and she wasn't even packed! Me and the kids packed yesterday, I hate being unorganized. Anna on the other hand leaves it last minute! It's the one thing that annoys me, oh and not getting up early when I ask her too! She is such a lazy person.

"I will do it tonight" She whined 

"No Anna you will do it now, Come on!" I said sternly 

Oh how I feel like her mother! She mumbled something under her breath and then headed over to get her suitcase. 

"What was that?" I asked with my eyebrow raised 

"Nothing" She said 

"That's what I thought"

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