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The baby is fine! You don't understand how happy I am to hear that news. I don't know what happened but I am just glad it was nothing bad. It has been a week since that had happened and everything at home is going good! 

Emily had her schools singing competition which she will do amazing in! Mark was taking Charlie to school again today since I had a hospital appointment to go to with Brittany. I honestly was too tired today to go but I needed to make sure my baby was still okay. I do not need something like last week happening again. It was horrible and I just can't help but think that it may happen again soon.

"Ann come on! We need to get going!" Britt shouted from the front door

I walked down the stairs and we left to go to the hospital. 

"You look so beautiful" Brittany smiled as we pulled up

I glared at her and she laughed.


"I have no make-up please don't lie" I laughed 

"I'm not lying baby" She smiled 

I smiled weakly and we got out the car and walked into the hospital. We didn't have to wait around for an appointment since I have a private doctor. 

"Morning ladies" Dr. Matthews smiled

She was lovely and I couldn't ask for a better doctor! We both said a quick good morning back.

"So have you had any other bad pains since last week?" She asked me

"No, I know it sounds weird but I was kind of expecting it to happen, I don't know why? I mean it happened once I thought it would happen again" I sighed 

"That's normal, Many woman think that but most the time it is a one time thing, It was most likely your body letting you know that the baby is getting ready to come out. I mean you only have about a month and a half left am I correct?" She said 

"No? I have just under 4 months left" I said kind of worried

"Is there something wrong then if that has happened at 5 months?!" I asked concerned 

"Don't worry too much about it Anna. It is probably nothing, Right?" Britt asked 

She then began to do a few tests. Okay, What the fuck is wrong!

"I will be right back" She said simply, walking out

"Something is wrong, I know it is!" I mumbled sadly 

"Calm down baby. You keep getting yourself worked up and it's not going to back this any better okay, Just calm down" Brittany said softly 

She grabbed my hand and placed it in hers. I sighed and then Dr. Matthews walked back in.

"Okay well we can't find anything that is wrong so that is a positive sign! I do have one question which could possible be the answer. Have you been stressed lately? Crying a lot and getting worked up?" She asked 

I didn't even say anything, I just nodded.

"She is always crying, getting worked up and stressed a lot lately. I mean she has a busy job as you can tell and that is just making things a little hard at the moment" Brittany said and I agreed

"Anna I think you are slightly depressed at the moment if I am completly honest, This may be the reason you had that bad pain. You are stressing too much and your body just can't handle all of it, and defiantly not when you are pregnant" She told us

I just sighed and I felt a few tears roll down my cheek. I couldn't help it, Everything is just so busy at the moment and it's kind of stressing me out. She then began to explain something but I honestly just zoned out and let her and Brittany talk. I am sure after this Brittany will drive us to Elizabeth and explain everything, Elizabeth likes to know what has happened after every hospital appointment.

"ThankYou we will pick those up after this. We will see you in a few weeks" I heard Brittany say

I stood up and smiled, saying a quick goodbye, making my way out to the car.

"Was you even listening to what she said at the end?" Brittany asked me


"She gave you some tablets to take, They are completly safe and won't harm the baby in anyway so we will pick those up after we have seen Elizabeth" She told me and I just nodded

I knew we would go and see Elizabeth, I decided to just stay in the car since I didn't really feel like going up to her office. About 10 minutes of waiting Brittany had finished, she also had some paper in her hand.

"Okay, So Elizabeth said you are now out of meetings and film rehearsals for 5 months but this is the script for the Accountant. She has given it to you now so you can be ready to start filming when everything is back to normal. Oh and she will call you later" 

I nodded and smiled at Britt. She then began to drive home, The time was only 11am so I would just watch some TV and eat to be completly honest.

"ThankYou for everything you have done recently Britt, I LoveYou" I said

We was watching Finding Nemo, It's our favourite Disney Movie to watch. We also had some pizza,I know it's only 11am but I was starving!

"Anything for you, you know that. I know how stressed you are at the moment but hopefully now you can focus on being chilled up until the baby comes, We don't want another horrible hospital visit" She said softly 

"And I LoveYou too" She added 

I laid down, placing my head in her lap while she stroked my hair. I don't know why she does it but I couldn't care less. 

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