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Today was Saturday and it was just me and Anna home and of course Brody. Emily was in Florida for the weekend with college and Charlie was at his dads this weekend. Brody is starting to sit up but he isn't quite there yet. I think he will be very soon though. We was going into town today so I really hope we don't get spotted, I know we will but you can always hope.

Once we was ready to go we headed out. I was driving since I hate Anna driving my car. She never puts the seat back when she finishes driving, not everyone has short legs! Anna got him into his car seat and came round and sat in the passenger side. We needed to go and get Brody some little swimming shorts since we are going to start taking him in the pool with us. You can take a baby swimming at any age.

When we got to the mall we got Brody in his pram and began to make our way to the shop. We have got a face forward pram until he is a little older since he can't sit up on his own yet he have it so he is lying down, good thing about this pram is it can change as he grows up. It is suited for newborns to toddlers.

 It is suited for newborns to toddlers

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"OMG! That is Anna and Brittany!!" We heard some girls squeal 

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"OMG! That is Anna and Brittany!!" We heard some girls squeal 

I laughed but carried, a lot of people were taking pictures and waving at us. Thankfully they left us alone since we had Brody with us. I am so happy they let us be. Once we had got everything we wanted he headed back to the car, we didn't want to be too long since we didn't want to be dealing with a crying Brody in the middle of the shopping center! As soon as we got in the car and began to drive he started to cry.

"Someone needs a change" Anna said and I agreed

Since we was only a few minutes from home we had to wait, we can't just pull over on the side of the road. When we got home Anna went and changed him. I decided to make some lunch for us both since we didn't eat breakfast. Anna still isn't eating properly. At first I just thought it was because she had just given birth but now I am starting to get worried again, this has happened before but all because she was tired or stressed. She is neither of those things so I don't understand why she isn't eating right.

"Brody is in his swinging chair watching spongebob" Anna said and I laughed 

Whenever spongebob is on the TV Brody just stares and smiles so we just keep that on, at 4 months you wouldn't think he'd like to watch TV but we are clearly wrong!

"Babe can we talk?" I asked and she nodded

"I know I have said it before but this has happened before and I always worry about you. You aren't eating properly again, I know it's not from stress or being tired so what if going on?" I asked 

"Nothing, just watching what I eat"She lied 

"Why are you lying to me?" I sighed 

"I'm not I am being se-" 

"No Anna, you are not being serious! You are lying" I cut her off 

"I'm fat!" She spat

"What?! You the hell has told you that babe. If anything you are a little underweight but that is not a bad thing. You are no where near fat so why have you got that idea in your head" I asked 

"Someone said it on twitter, I tried to ignore it but they have spam accounts and are filling it on my feed. I look on there everyday and all I see is 'Loose some weight you fat bitch'. That makes me feel like shit" She said, a few tears rolling down her cheeks 

I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her. 

"Please ignore that okay? You are perfect and if you loose any more weight you are going to become ill" I told her and she nodded 

I will talk to Elizabeth about it, this has happened more than once and I need to know she is okay. I can't have anything bad happening to Anna. Once we had another hug we went into the living room and seen Brody had fell asleep. I smiled at him and sat on the sofa with Anna straddling my lap with her head in my neck.

"Such a cuddly person" I smiled 

"I like to keep you close" Anna said

I kissed her forehead and she smiled weakly. For the rest of the day we just watched film, played with Brody and slept. Chilled day!

*Very short I know, will update again soon though. Vote and comment*

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