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Me and Em leave tonight but I am yet to tell her since she is still at school, well I say still at school Britt has gone to get her and Charlie. Brody was down for a nap so I was just watching TV. 

Our flight is at half 10 pm which is a little annoying since we going to have to sleep on the plane, shouldn't be too hard in first class though. When the kids had got home they both said a quick hey to me and headed upstairs to change out of their uniforms. 

"Do you have to go?" Britt sighed

"Yeah, I wish you were there though with Charlie and Brody" I said 

"Me too but you will win, I know you will" She smiled 

We had a quick kiss before Britt went to call Elizabeth, she needed to know the time of her meeting tomorrow.

"Em?" I said as I walked upstairs 


"So we leave for the airport in 5 hours, so pack enough clothes for 3 days" I told her, acting like it was nothing 

"I AM COMING WITH YOU?!" She screamed happily 

I nodded and she smiled widely, giving me a big hug before going to pack. I then heard Brody wake up, probably from Em, I am sure Mexico heard her. I walked into his room and seen him standing up so I picked him up and headed to change his nappy.

"Hey mum?" I heard Charlie say 

I turned around and seen him in the door way of his room. I asked him what's up and he began to talk.

"Can you come to the baseball game on Saturday with me and dad? I mean when you get back it will be Friday evening and then I won't see you until Monday" He sighed 

"Yeah course babe! Just get your dad to text me on Saturday morning the time and I will meet you there or at his house" I told him 

They smile on his face really made me happy. Me and Skylar get on pretty well now so it's not like it would be awkward or anything. Plus I would want to see Charlie otherwise I would miss him too much.  

"I'm going to McDonald's so you coming?" I asked him 

I was starving, I haven't eaten today!

"Yeah, Carry me?" He laughed, lazy bugger

So I had him on one arm and Brody on the other, so lucky he is light! Once I got downstairs he walked out to the car, because walking downstairs was clearly too hard for him! I asked Britt and Em if they wanted to come but they wasn't hungry so it was just me and Charlie, I left Brody with Brittany.


It was time for me and Em to get going to London. After saying goodbye to Brody, Charlie and Brittany we made our way to the airport. Brody would not stop crying which honestly broke me heart. Charlie was sad about us going also. Britt didn't show it but she always is. I just wish they were all coming with us.

"ThankYou for bringing me Mumma, I love coming to these!" Em smiled happily 

"No problem Em, I enjoy you coming along!" I said

Once we had got to the airport we headed straight to first class check in and we then got taken to the V.I.P lounge. I love being in here, they have pretty much everything to eat and drink, they also have a bunch of TV's, oh and Wi-Fi so that is a bonus!

'Just got to the lounge but we will be boarding in about 40 minutes so I thought I would text you now. I will text you when we get there. LoveYou Britt xxxx' I texted

I would call her but we land in the morning and that will be the middle of the night for them.

'Okay baby, Safe flight and I love you both so much! xxxxx' She replied right away

"When we are about to take off can I hold your hand? I love flying but taking off just scares me a little" Em said 

"Course Em" I smiled and she also smiled 

When we was finally on the plane Em grabbed my hand since we was about to take off. The time was 11pm, there was a bit of a delay on the runway so that caused a few other planes to take off late, I was so tired and Em was already asleep within 30 minutes of us flying! I also decided to sleep since I didn't want to be tired when we landed, which would be about 8 am in the UK.


"Em!" I called 

We was in the hotel, It was 12 pm here and Britt and the kids had just woke up. I just finished speaking to her and Charlie so I called Em so she could talk to her. We wasn't too tired since we slept most the flight but I could really use an early night, the award show was tomorrow night so I think me and Emily are going to go and walk round London for the afternoon and then come back and order pizza, we were too lazy to go out for a nice meal.

Once Em was off the phone we got our shoes on and headed out the hotel, it was like last time we all came, people stared and took pictures of us from a distance but didn't come up to us. I was kind of glad they didn't because I hate a bunch of people crowding us when we are just trying to enjoy our time.

"Can we go on the London Eye?" She asked 

"Sure!" I smiled and we headed towards it 

Once we was on it we Face-Timed Britt. Charlie was in school now and Brody was probably watching Spongebob.

"Don't forget to take a picture!" She said through the phone 

We both laughed and nodded. Britt always had to have a picture. After speaking with Britt I hung up and took a picture of Em, I didn't want to be in it because I look like death since I haven't done my make-up yet. I didn't fancy putting make-up on just because we was going out for the afternoon.

'London for a few days with Em! x' I posted on Instagram with a picture

-That took so long omg! I tried to add the reflection to make it look a little bit more realistic but I don't think it worked that well but I tried!-

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-That took so long omg! I tried to add the reflection to make it look a little bit more realistic but I don't think it worked that well but I tried!-

Me and Em ended up getting bored halfway through going round so we just kept talking and laughing, we don't even know what at! Once it was over we decided to shop for a little bit since Em wanted some new clothes and I also needed some new jeans because I died mine pink in the wash. Never let me do white washing because one sneaky red sock will find it's way in!

*How was it?! Vote/Comment, will check for the mistakes later! I will probably update the weekend since I am going camping for Thursday&Friday night!*

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