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Emily (First ever POV)~ 

There is a party tonight that I am dying to go to! Of course Mum won't let me go but if I ask Mumma then it will probably be a yes since she doesn't really mind if I do. They are both currently at a meeting, they have a new film that they are doing called Alleyway. No idea what it's about but they are both happy because they are both in it together. 

"Were home!" They both shouted happily 

Charlie was at school, I had the day off college today which I was so happy about. I decided to go to college instead of doing online since I didn't want to be stuck in the house the whole year. I have met new friends and it's a great college to be at!

"Mumma come here a minute please?" I smiled 

"Can I go to a party tonight? I didn't want to ask mum because she will just say no" I asked 

"Sure babe, Just don't get too drunk" She told me 

I smiled widely and thanked her.

"What are you two talking about?" Mum said, walking over to us 

"Britt don't be so nosy" 

I laughed and walked up to my room.


"We need to book Australia Britt" I told her and she nodded 

"Only thing I am not looking forward to is you complaining the whole way that you are tired" She huffed  

"I won't babe. We need to book it today since we have told the kids that we will be going next week. We are leaving it a little late, do you not think?" I asked 

"We will do it now Ann, Come on" She smiled 

I returned the smile and we headed upstairs to book the holiday. We already knew what hotel we was going to stay at. It was lovely and the rooms were also good. It had an indoor pool with so many things to do in and also out of the hotel so we would always have something to do.

Once we had found the hotel we paid for it. We had a shared bank account, we also had our own ones but this account was for things for the family. 

We was currently cuddling on the bed talking about next week when my phone went off. It was Elizabeth.

"Hello?" I said as I answered 

"Have you forgotten that you start filming Mike and Dave need wedding dates in 5 minutes and you are nowhere to be seen on set?!" She said sternly 

"Have you forgotten to tell me?!" I spat back 

Why do I loose my temper so quickly?! Britt looked at me as if to say; calm down. 

"Anna do not start getting angry with me. I did email you but you obviously didn't read it!" Elizabeth said 

"Course I didn't otherwise I would be there now! There is no point filming now anyway, I'm going to Australia next week" I told her 

"Ill ring them now and tell them, I will text you what they say in a minute" She said

I said a quick goodbye and hung up. I hated loosing my temper with Banks. She is always there for me and I treat her like shit sometimes. I got my phone out and text mark.

'Hey, Can you do me a favor and get some flowers for Elizabeth? xx'

I had to say sorry but a text won't do it. I know I only got angry with her but I hate to!

'Sure, Message? xx' He text me back

'Can you write; 'Elizabeth, I'm sorry I lost my temper and shouted at you, I love you <3' xx'

Mark said he would do that now and drop them to her office for me. I am so thankful Mark does things like this. Of course I will pay him back. I then got another text, this time from Elizabeth, just saying that they are going to start filming after I get back from Australia. Thank god.


"Have you been on Instagram?" Britt asked me 

I shook my head, getting my phone and looking.

'I love this girl to pieces! Known her since she was 10 and I am so glad I did. She's like a daughter to me and I could not be happier. Even though she has such a bad temper and attitude sometimes she is such a lovely and beautiful girl. ThankYou for the flowers and I hope you guys have such an amazing holiday! <3 xxxx @annakendrick47'

I smiled widely and liked the photo, also leaving a little comment. I looked at Britt and she was lying on the sofa watching TV. I climbed on top of her, giving her a quick kiss before heading into the kitchen. I needed food, I was so hungry since I have not eaten today. 

"Oh by the way, Em is going to a party later" I said to her

"Okay" She mumbled 

What's the matter with her? Once I had finished my cereal I headed back over to the living room and laid on top or Brittany.

"I love you" I mumbled into her neck

"I know, I love you too" She smiled 

"Are you okay? You seem a little down" I asked 

"I'm just a little stressed, I have a ton of emails to answer and I have filming tomorrow for that stupid advert. That will probably take 2 days because they are just idiots there! I wish I never agreed to do it" She sighed sadly 

"How about we go upstairs, watch a movie and work on some emails. I also have many to answer. We'll take some chocolate and wine too" I said 

"That sounds good" She said as she sat up

"In order to do that, you need to get off my lap baby" 

"I would love to walk but my legs hurt" I laughed 

Britt smirked and began to stand up, my legs wrapped around her waist and my arms on her shoulders.

"Your so light baby" She said and I giggled

Giggled?!?! What have I turned into!

*UPDATE OMG! I am so sorry guys! Last few weeks of college have been a nightmare but it's half term now! 1 week off then only 2 weeks left at college until summer break! Hopefully updates will be done in the half term! Mistakes to be checked later*

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