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"Charlie get down the stairs now! We have to leave in a minute for school!" I shouted up the stairs 

This kid is so slow in the mornings! So am I but the first ever dance rehearsal for PP3 is today and apparently this movie's harder than the other 2. Me and Britt would meet each other there since she was out this morning seeing Anna Camp. Britt and I haven't really been talking much at the moment, I don't know why but I have just been in a pretty bad mood these past few weeks. Plus we have both been busy.

"Em can you take Brody to the car please? I am going to go get Charlie" I asked 

She nodded happily and I thanked her. Em was a morning person, don't know how but she is. So is Britt though and me and Charlie are the complete opposite to that. Can't stand people waking me up or waking up early to an alarm! Brody wasn't too bad but he had his bad mornings plenty of times.

I walked upstairs and seen Charlie sat on his bed, watching something on his phone. I grabbed it out his hands and put it in my jumper pocket. 

"Move it! We are going to be late" I said and he huffed, rolling his eyes

"Don't even think about"

I knew he would say something after he rolled his eyes so I stopped him before he could. For a 9 year old he acts way more mature and he has a serious attitude problem on him recently, wonder where he gets that from? 

When I got in the car I began to drive to Em's school first since it was closer than Charlie's. I am having to bring Brody to this dance rehearsal but Elizabeth is going to look after him since she doesn't really need to be there today but she said she would come along and look after Brody. Knowing her she will just take him to the park instead. 

Both kids were now at school and I was about to head inside the studio. Paps were being annoying which made my mood worse. I slept shit again last night so that was annoying. I seen Elizabeth outside and she took Brody since she was heading off with him.

"Try not to be late tomorrow Anna?" One of the crew members sassed as I walked in

Now I remember why I hate this studio! One of the crew is an asshole! He has not got one friendly bone in his body!

"Fuck off" I spat 

"Chill" He said, smirking at me 

"Will you seriously shut up" I rolled my eyes

Charlie defiantly gets it from me! 


The session was finally over. It was horrible, it was way too hot in the studio and that stupid guy was just being annoying. The dancing went well though so it was fine, we are changing studios tomorrow though since everyone complained about being there, one because of that dick and two the heat was horrible. Did they not have air con?! 

"Bye Anna" He smiled smugly 

"Ignore him" Rebel said behind me 

I nodded and just headed outside. I parked round the back which I now regret. I checked my phone and Elizabeth texted saying she would drop Brody round later since he had fallen asleep at her house. Guessing she left the park.

I sat in my car for a good 5 minutes before actually heading home. I don't know why but I did. Once I got home, I headed upstairs for a shower since I was all hot and gross.

When I finished my shower I changed into my chilling clothes since I didn't plan on going out again, except to pick Charlie up since Em had parents evening and Britt goes. She was currently downstairs I think. I know she showered in one of the spare bedrooms, don't know why when we have to showers in this bathroom, I have probably done something to annoy her, which sucks because I feel like a shitty girlfriend now. 

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