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We have been back from Australia for a few weeks now and I have just found out that I'm pregnant.....Again. I have taken two tests and both have come back positive, I have booked a hospital appointment with Dr. Matthews, my private doctor, for next week. I wanted to talk to her about a few things, I don't want the same thing happening. I haven't told anyone yet, I am so scared. I  will tell Elizabeth today since I have a meeting with her soon but I am not ready to tell anyone else just yet. I know I'm not even two months pregnant yet but I still don't want to get stressed at all this time! I won't let myself get to that state again. I won't loose our baby again! 

"Baby if you don't move your ass then you are going to be late for your meeting with Elizabeth" Britt said from the front door

I stood up from the sofa and made my way to the car with her. Emily was with an old friend for the day and Charlie was with his dad until later on. After 10 minutes in the car we arrived at Bank's office. 

"I will pick you up once I have finished food shopping" She smiled and I nodded 

I have no idea why we didn't just drive our own cars. We had a quick kiss then I headed inside. 

"Hey Ann, Your interview next week has been cancelled since he is having to fly to England, His mum is fallen quite sick" Elizabeth told me as I sat down

"Aw okay, I would of been late anyway. I have a hospital appointment" I said 

"What's that for? You always tell me when you have booked an appointment" She asked worried 

I sighed and put my head down. I didn't want to tell her but I have to tell someone. I can't hide this forever, I wish, but I can't. 

"Anna, You tell me everything, this can't be any different" She said softly 

"I'm pregnant again" I blurted out 

Why did I do that?! Elizabeth didn't say anything. She looked so shocked.

"Omg" She mumbled 

"Are you sure?" She asked 

"Well the test said positive, I have missed my period and I have been sick for the past 3 mornings" I said 

"I'm calling your doctor and we are going tomorrow instead. We will tell Britt when she gets here" Banks told me 

"No!! I haven't told her yet. I'm too scared too, She will just be over protective this time and I don't want that" I sighed 

"She is going to be after what happened last time, It's only been 6 months Ann. You can't blame her for that, She is going to worry. She loves you so much and won't want to see you like that again"

"I know that and now that you know you won't give me a busy and stressful work schedule" I said, trying to hint and she laughed at me 

"You still have to do meetings, interviews, filming etc. Just not as much as you are currently doing" She told me 

I don't mind working hard but I would like to work less when I get to about 5 months. I told Elizabeth that and she said I can do whatever I want, just let her know first so she can plan and let people know.

"Tell Brittany later okay? I will call you both later to check" She told me and I sighed 

I don't want Britt to be over protective. I know how to cope with stress better now. I will be taking it easy when I get to 5 months, I'm not going to let myself get like last time. 

I then heard the car horn go off so Brittany is here. 

"See you tomorrow! I will message you later so you know what time the appointment is, Bye love" Elizabeth smiled 

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