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Me and Brittany were currently in the mall with Brody. I needed to head to Apple and buy a new phone, I accidentally dropped it from the balcony. I was talking to Britt who was in the garden and it slipped out my hand, smashing on the concrete. Britt just came along because she was thinking of getting the iPad Pro. I had one and she had the chance to get one the same time but she never did.

"Are you coming to my mums house tonight?" Britt asked 

"I can't, I am heading over to Skylars to talk about Charlie's birthday. Sorry babe" I told her 

"It is fine, what are we doing for his birthday?" 

"Well he wants to go do that laser tag quest. So should we just book that for him and his friends? Then food wherever he wants" I said 

"Sounds good, we will speak to him about it later" She smiled and I nodded 

We have only come to Apple since we know once people know we are here, it will get around and then the press will turn up and be all up in our business. I don't want them near Brody.

Once me and Britt had got what we wanted we finally got out of Apple. It was so busy and then people wanted pictures. I ended up carrying Brody to the car since he was getting tired. We got near the car when I heard the press coming towards us. Great!

"Please get away from my car" I said calmly 

I won't be calm for long if they annoy me though. They didn't move from my car so I asked again and they moved slightly. I went to go put Brody in his car seat when one of the men touched his head, which made Brody cry. I quickly put him in the car, Britt was already in the car trying to calm him down. I would but now they have really pissed me off.

"Why would you touch my son?!" I asked, clearly annoyed

"I didn't, I would never touch your son Anna" 

"Do not bullshit! I seen you touch his head. Come near my son ever again and I will seriously hurt you! Can you not leave us alone for one fucking day?!" I spat 

"It is our job" 

"I don't give a shit! It's not your job to touch my son! It's not your job to surround my fucking car! Leave us the fuck alone" I shouted, pushing him away from my car 

Before I said something else I got in and drove away. Brody was asleep and Britt was on her phone, I knew she was about to say something though.

"I'm not even annoyed, well I am. With them. They had no right to surround the car and no right to touch Brody's head. That crossed the line" She sighed

"Just wait for that to be all over the internet but I don't really care. It happens so often to celebrities and it's just unfair on everyone" I said and she agreed 


'Actress Anna Kendrick, lashed out on paps earlier today'

Was all over Twitter. Yay.

*I just picked random celebs here, only fan-fiction so it's fine*

@selenagomez: I don't blame Anna! Paps are honestly a waste of space, they have no personal space!

@jtimberlake: Would do the same. Don't know why the media thinks it was rude of Anna. They were being dicks. Never touch a parents child! Idiots

I smiled and read a few more. Everyone hates the paps, there is no need for them.

I was currently on the sofa eating a chicken salad since I was starving and had nothing else to eat. Brody was also on the sofa, he was cuddled into my side watching Monsters Inc. I could tell he was tired since he kept closing his eyes and jolting forward. 

"Someone needs a nap" I said, putting my finished plate on the table 

"No" He mumbled 

I laughed and placed him on my hip, heading upstairs. Britt had gone out to see her old school friends, again. 

"Nap. w-with you?" Brody asked, half asleep

I didn't bother saying anything as he was about to fall asleep. I walked into my room and placed him on Britt's side of the bed. I decided to chill in bed and watch some TV since I didn't need to worry about my emails at the moment as Elizabeth decided to sort them. 

"Mummy. You hwere?" Brody's small voice cried 

"I'm here baby, go back to sleep" I said softly 

He crawled over to me and cuddled in. Why is he so cuddly today? He isn't normally like this but I am not complaining, I love when he is like this. Charlie and Em would be home soon from school, Paul was picking them up today. I didn't ask him to, he just hadn't seen them in awhile and promised the kids he would.


Brody was still fast asleep when Charlie and Em were home. 

"Too cute" Em said when she seen Brody

They both went to put there bags away and change, when they were done they came in, sitting on the bed with me and Brody.

"May we help you" I sassed

"Family film" They both laughed quietly 

"Glad I was invited to this" Brittany pitched in 

When did she get in?! I laughed and we all ended up watching a film together until we ordered food.

*Will check for mistakes later! Byeeeee*

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