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This day is going from bad to worse! All 3 kids are in terrible moods and lets make it worse because they are all home. Of course Brody would be but Charlie is at his dads weekends and Em normally stays with a friend but today is a Wednesday so all home. Charlie got sent home from school for having a fight with Tom. Emily got detention because her and her friends got caught leaving school grounds to go to the shop and Brody has lost his favourite blanket so he has been screaming about that for the past 40 minutes. I have a banging headache and have been sick this morning. I know for a fact it was the bacon I had for breakfast, it was defiantly not cooked!

Currently Emily and Charlie were arguing about who gets to watch TV. Like seriously? Why would you argue about that!

"Right! You both have 50'' TV's in your rooms! If you want to watch something different then use them! That is what they are for. So both of you go to your rooms and watch what you want because your arguing is getting stupid now and you are going to wake Brody up!" I said 

"See what you did?!" Charlie spat at Emily 

"Me?!" Emily replied 

"It wasn't just Emily! Both of you are shouting so just go and chill out for an hour!" I said and they both huffed, storming upstairs 

Charlie is only 8 but he acts so much older! He only does it so Emily will leave him alone though. I sighed and put my head on the arm of the sofa. I was slowly falling asleep until I heard Brody scream loudly, just 15 minutes of quiet would be amazing! I huffed, heading upstairs and into his room. He was standing up in his cot, crying his eyes out.

"Bubbie!!" He cried 

Bubbie was what he called his blanket, I sighed and picked him up, placing him on my hip. I headed downstairs and he just cried into my neck.

"Brody calm down okay? We will find bubbie soon okay baby?" I said softly 

"M-miss" He blubbered 

"I know baby but we will find him"

He slowly began to calm down, thank god! Once he had stopped crying I sat him next to me while I went and got him and myself a drink. About 5 minutes later Britt walked in the front door.

"Look who left bubbie with Elizabeth!" She smiled

Brody looked so happy, bless him. Honestly so glad he has it now because I can't be dealing with all the screaming at the moment. I am so busy with emails, meetings, shoots etc. It is non stop and I am slowly loosing my mind I swear. Next week it slows down a lot so I am looking forward to getting this week over and done with!

"Mum! Can I get the iPhone 7?" Charlie asked, coming down the stairs 

"What? Your are 8 years old. Why do you need the iPhone 7!" I asked him 

"You have one and it's only been out a week" He huffed 

"I am 20 and old enough for a phone, you are only 8 babe. Please don't try and act older okay?" I said

"I like to watch Nickelodeon and Disney Channel but Emily always calls me immature or childish" He sighed sadly

"Then tell us and we will talk to her. If she is then just ignore her, you are a child and not a teenager so you watch whatever you want to!" I told him 

He smiled happily and just began to watch Spongebob with Brody. For the rest of the evening everyone seemed to have chilled out and we had a nice meal and watched a film, well Brody was in bed at this point but it was about 8 at this point and Charlie wasn't long after that. Brody normally gets put to bed at 7 but he was a little late today. 

Once Charlie was in bed me and Britt decided to speak to Em about a few things.

"Okay so first off, stop calling Charlie immature because honestly I think you forget that he is only 8 and will still want to watch Disney channel, it's totally normal for his age. Secondly your tutor emailed me and told me that you and your friends are starting to act up quite a lot so that seriously needs to stop! You think you are going to get into the college you want if your behaviour record is bad? I know college is 5 years away but they will look back from your first year of high school!" Britt told her 

I am not one for telling Emily off. I mean I am only 7 years older than her, I am old enough to be her sister! It just doesn't feel right if I am honest. Plus that is only a year older than Britt is to me, just all seems a little weird to me but I will get used to it one day!

People always think I am lying when I say Charlie is my son. Then when they know I am telling the truth they look at me like I am some sort of 'slag' or idiot. Sure I had him very very young but I can't change that now can I? So many people have had there kids that young because they weren't thinking about what they was doing. I just wanted to fit in. I mean no one had sex at my age but they had there first kiss but I was the girl who wanted to go one more, wish I didn't so young but I had no parents to tell me what to do in life. They didn't care, I had Elizabeth but she was more like a friend at first until she became more like a mother to me then my actual parents! 

*Short and sorry for not updating! Will proof read soon!!*

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