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We had 2 weeks off to spend with each other so I am hoping that we will actually do that and not do our own thing! I was currently just staring at my beautiful girlfriend asleep, may sound creepy but she always wakes up after me. We found out that the school we enrolled Charlie at is actually a private boarding school. Charlie said he wanted to dorm there Monday-Friday so we let him. He left last night so we all spent the day together. It's only 40 minutes away from our house so it's not problem to pick him up on a Friday and take him back Monday morning or either Sunday night.

Emily stayed at her friend's house last night so it was just me and Beca last night so of course we had sex, I mean we don't really get the chance to when we are both so busy.

"Morning Britt" She mumbled 

"Morning baby" I smiled

She groaned and put her head into my neck. We needed to go food shopping today so I wanted to go in the morning since it's always less busy in the morning. I just hope we don't get noticed.

"We need to get going baby, We can stop at Starbucks for some coffee too" I said 

"Nooooooo, I hate food shopping" She whined

"Anna" I said 

"Fine" She huffed

Honestly she is such a child sometimes, I do feel like her mother sometimes! How she has her own child at 24 I will never know, She isn't even mature herself!

I then got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. When I came out from getting ready I seen Anna had fell back to sleep.

"Anna Louise Kendrick! Get out of bed and get ready!" I said sternly 

"Babeeeee" She huffed 

I sighed and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the bed. I laughed and walked away. 

"Brittany!!!!" She grumbled 

I laughed again and headed downstairs. About 30 minutes later Anna finally came down. Once I got the car keys we headed out, we took my car since Anna's car is in the garage and mine was in the drive so it was easier. As soon as we got to the supermarket we got spotted. Ugh! Let's make it worse because Anna is in a bad mood since Starbucks was closed so we couldn't stop for coffee. It was having new windows fitted so they had to close it for the day.

"How are you guys doing?!"

"What is it like having a 5 year age gap?"

"When is your next interview guys"

"Why are you taking 2 weeks off?"

All these questions being shouted at us! Me and Anna were holding hands and I could tell she was getting angry because she felt tense.

"Ignore them babe, I know you're getting angry but please don't react to it" I whispered 

Shop security sorted the press out and got us inside thankfully, Let's just hope no one in the shop stops us.


We finally got home, Anna did end up getting annoyed by some paps when we got out of the supermarket but they were shouting questions about why she never talks and why she always seems to be in a bad mood. Of course Anna got offended by that. I even did! She is only every grumpy when they follow and shout questions at her or if she hasn't had her morning coffee.

"I wish they would just stop shouting questions at me, It stresses me out because now I think, what they shout at me is what everyone else is thinking" Anna mumbled

I knew she didn't cope well when they began shouting and putting her under pressure but that is the press for you. Award shows and Premiers are a lot different. They aren't shouting questions at you 24/7! They actually ask to speak to you and let you answer at your own speed without interrupting you! Anna actually has an Award show soon. Anna is up for Best Actress and also Best Comedic Actress. I was at an Award show a few weeks ago and won 2 awards along with Rebel  Wilson and Ester Dean. Anna came with me which I was happy about because even if only one of us is nominated then the other one will go along. I was of course going with Anna for this Award show, I know she is going to win because she is an amazing actress!

-Short I know but I haven't updated in about 77777 years! Another update is on it's  way though so that's a good thing! Vote and Comment, Will check for mistakes soon!-

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