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I was currently on my way home from the hospital, just a quick check-up on the twins. Britt wasn't able to make it which annoyed her. She had a meeting but she would of been home by now. It was nearly 4pm so all the kids would be home too. 

Once I parked the car in the garage I headed into the house to see everyone else on the sofa, they were watching a film I think. I walked over and noticed it was 'What to Expect When You're Expecting'. I just headed upstairs without saying anything, lying down on the bed.

That film just made me think Brooklyn. I don't know why because it was a little different but it still made me think of it and it just made me upset. I hated getting upset over it but I can't not. It was my baby and she was taken away from me too soon, I wish it didn't happen and I still think it's my fault for stressing too much but I was told it wasn't!

"How come you didn't sit with us babe?" Britt asked 

"I didn't want to watch that film, I'm sorry. It just reminded me or Brooklyn and I couldn't watch anymore of it" I told her 

"Baby you should have said and we could have turned over" She sighed 

"Noo, don't want you guys to stop watching it because of me. It's fine" I smiled weakly 

  We were both having a hug when we heard Brody screaming and crying. We both went down stairs quickly to see Emily holding him on her hip and he had a massive cut on his eyebrow. 

"Mummy" He cried out 

Em handed him to me and he cried into my neck. 

"What happened? We was only out the room for 2 minutes!" Brittany asked

"He was jumping on the sofa and he fell off, hitting his eye on the coffee table" Emily told us

I walked into the kitchen, sitting Brody on the kitchen counter while I cleaned his cut eyebrow. I put a big plaster on it. That is going to be a black eye tomorrow.


Me and Brittany were currently sitting in the living room, both of the older kids were at school and Brody was in his room, down for a nap.

We were talking about something when we started to hear Brody laughing? What the hell is he doing. We got up and headed into his room to see him drawing all over his walls with markers. Whyyyyyy!

"Brody you are in such big trouble!" Britt said sternly

He looked at us both sadly, beginning to cry. I was about to say something when my phone started to ring. It was the school, shocker. He is always in trouble!

Brittany put Brody in time out while I answered my phone.

"Miss. Kendrick I need you to come up the school asap please" They said 

I huffed but agreed, saying I would leave now 


Once I got up  there I headed into the school and was greeted by the head teacher, along with an angry looking Charlie. Great.

"Sorry to say but Charlie can not come back to this school. We have tried so hard to work with him and sort his anger out but we have been pushed to the limit and we can't continue to teach him. He has had a terrible attitude on him the past few days and today he has started 2 fights, sworn at teacher and even pushed one. I'm sorry but it is not acceptable" He told me 

"This is so fucking unfair! It wasn't just me th-"

"Do not even think about arguing now Charlie! You have officially been kicked out from school, you don't think you have done enough today?" I said, clearly annoyed 

"But mum!"

"No Charlie" I said 

"I am sorry Charlie. We tried everything to keep you here but you just didn't work with us, you didn't want the help so we can't do anything else" The teacher told him 

"Piss off!" He spat back 

"Oi! This is all on you Charlie" I said 

I said sorry to the teacher about his behaviour and we left. I was not happy!

When we got home I sent Charlie to his room, of course he slammed his door. I am just going to leave him for an hour. He is angry and when both of us are angry it's not a good idea to talk. I also need to chill out for a little bit.

I went into the living room and Britt came and sat next to me. Brody was down for a nap now.

"What happened?" She sighed 

"He has been kicked out. His anger was too much for them apparently and he has just pushed it too much this time round" I told her 

"Oh god. Things aren't going too well today"

I agreed and we just decided to watch TV for a little bit before I went and talked to Charlie. Emily finished school soon so Britt would love in a minute to go and get her.


"Why did you do it?" I asked Charlie

He was laid on his bed, head berried into his pillow. He turned onto his side and looked at me, he had been crying.

"I just got angry today. I couldn't help it, Tom and Jerry were taking the piss out of you being a young mum and they kept calling you a slag and Brody a mistake. I don't care if they say anything about me but you are my mum and I love you. I don't want people calling you those things" He said, crying softly 

He sounds so mature and that is what worries me, he thinks hes older. 

"Language Charlie. You are 8, nearly 9 okay? I do not need this attitude coming from you and I defiantly don't need you getting kicked out of school. It has happened and there is no going back but you are going to have to go to a public school now since that was the only close private school. There has to be a reason for this bad attitude though? You shouldn't be getting angry like this everyday" I sighed 

"I know. I am sorry for getting myself kicked out" Is all he said 

"What is bugging you?" I asked 

"I don't want to be forgotten about when you have these twins. I want us to have days where we spend time together without you needing to look after them" He sighed 

Thought that was bugging him, happened with Brody.

"You will never be forgotten and we will have those days. Just understand that the first few months will be a little stressful and busy but you can help out with them, bond and still spend time with me and Brittany okay?"

He nodded and hugged me.

"Is dad going to be round here a lot when they are born?" He asked 

I looked at him confused, how does he even know?

"I over heard the other day, I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs for water but seen you guys on the sofa" He said 

I sighed but said he would be. He smiled happily, he really loves his dad and it is really cute. Sky is a great dad, he wasn't at first but he never lets Charlie down and does anything for him.

*Will update again soon, any errors will be checked for soon also*

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