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I decided I would message Skylar back, I need to. I am not going to be all happy with him though, Just because I was during filming does not mean I will be outside of that!

'Hey come round the house today, Everyone will be out today so it's just me.' I texted 

About 5 minutes later he replied with 'Okay x'. After 20 minutes my phone rang.

"Hey what's the pass code for the gate?" He asked me down the phone

I quickly told him and he then made his way up. I told him to just come in the door since it was open anyway. I really didn't want to have this chat but after 12 years I think this chat is needed. Once I seen him I said a quick hello and we sat on the sofa and began to talk.

"So I know you don't want me in Charlie's life but I would really like to be Ann. He doesn't even know that I am his dad" He spoke

"After 12 years? Why not earlier Skylar? Why not when we seen each other at the first meeting of Pitch Perfect?!" I asked, clearly annoyed

"I know you are angry about this all but I have realised how stupid I was to leave you and Charlie that day. I mean you was only 12! I just want the chance to see him at least once a week. Now I know we would have to tell Charlie this and if he doesn't want to see me then I understand but at least then I know he doesn't because all I can think is that he is wondering who and where his dad is"

"He is always asking where his dad is and I keep telling him that you left us because you wasn't ready to be a father but honestly Skylar you was 4 years older than me! Why I had sex with a 16 year old when I was 12 I will never know. Thinking about it now just sounds horrible! Do you know how many times I got called a slag and a whore? But for you it was just 'lad points'. I am lucky that I had an amazing opportunity with acting because if not then I wouldn't have done school or college! But I swear to god if Charlie does let you in his life and you fuck up, again, you won't ever see him again. I won't let you hurt him. He luckily hasn't been hurt by you but I have and I don't want the same for him" I huffed 

"I know and I won't hurt him. I regret that day leaving him and you. I just wasn't ready to be a father. I know you was younger than me but that just proves that you are a lot stronger than me"

"I am not strong" I mumbled 

I had a lot of help from Elizabeth. I lived with Elizabeth until I was 17 when I finally got my own place, I know I was still young but I felt like I needed to get out of Elizabeth's house, She did everything for me and Charlie and I had no way to repay her!

"I will stop by in a few weeks and we can talk to Charlie? I will let everyone get used to the new baby before anything changes for him" He told me

I nodded and said a quick goodbye to Skylar.

"That is my dad?" I heard Charlie mumble 

I shot my head round to the kitchen and seen Charlie standing there.

"Why aren't you at school! I thought Alice's mum was picking you up today?!" I asked 

"I texted her and told her not to bother, I didn't want to go to school today but stop changing the subject! Why am I only just finding out who my dad is now?" He said 

I sighed and he came and sat on the sofa with me. 

"He has only just decided now that he wants to be in your life Charlie. I tried to get him to see you when we was filming Pitch Perfect but he just didn't want to yet. Please don't get angry at me because I have tried so hard for you to have the best life without him, Now that he wants to see you again I feel like he is just going to hurt you Charlie" I told him

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