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Christmas went by quickly and it was a fun time. Both kids are back at school and Pitch Perfect 2 is well under way! Today we are filming the riff off. I know that that this time round it's longer than it was in the first film. Since there are more people singing. It will probably take ages because lately everyone is finding it hard to get motivated, Some of the cast aren't getting along great and that is affecting the filming since there a few argument going on. It's mainly between Rebel, Adam and the german lady whose name I don't know how to say!

Me and Anna haven't talked much lately because of how often filming has been going on. She seems drained from it all, well the whole cast does to be honest. We haven't had a day off in 4 weeks. Some days we are working till 7 in the morning till 3 in the morning. Anna is looking a lot skinnier too, She doesn't eat when she is stressed or worn out. Everyone needs a few days off but Elizabeth thinks if we have a few days off then we won't finish the movie in time.

"Good work everyone, Take a lunch break for an hour!" Elizabeth called out

Me, Anna, Ester, Rebel, Skylar and Ben decided to go to Taco Bell. Well Anna didn't want to come at first but I begged her to.  Once we got there I knew pictures were being taken but I was so hungry to even care right now. I am sure when we get back to the studio the pictures will be all over the news and Twitter,Then Elizabeth will moan about us going out the studio without security. 

Everyone but Anna ordered food, She just ordered a drink. I am getting seriously worried about her at the moment. Once we had finished we began to head back. We still had 20 minutes until we began to film again so we all just began to talk in the break room.

"We need a few days off, Everyone looks so worn down, We are all loosing the effort and not to sound rude but Anna isn't looking well and I think she is loosing a lot of weight at the moment!" Ester pointed out

We all agreed, Anna was in the bathroom at the moment. Me, Skylar and Ester went to go and find Elizabeth to tell her that we all need a few days off, It's not good to be working for this long everyday! Sometimes we don't even get any sleep! I mean some of us have kids that we want to see but we hardly ever see them. Me and Anna have had to get the chef in again because we have no time to cook for the kids anymore! He is more like a family friend though so he stays with the kids until we get home and then he goes on, We and him don't like them to be on their own. Of course we pay him extra for that. His name is Paul.

"We need a break, We are all worn out and have little energy now! Anna is looking the worst, She is losing weight, Some of us have kids that we hardly spend any time with anymore. Elizabeth we just need a few days off from filming to relax and have some time at home, Can we please?" We all asked

"You know we need to get this film finished guys! I'm sorry but no"  She told us

Are you kidding me?! I want a break from filming for god sake! As much as I love my job I need a break every now and then to spend at home with my family!

"We have a just under a year and we are nearly halfway done! All we want is a week Elizabeth, I haven't even seen my little boy in a week because of this!" Ester huffed

Her son is 9 and he is called Troy, He is so sweet. The father left 2 years ago because he apparently he couldn't handle the stress of being a father! So Troy is staying with her mum since she is non stop filming!  

"I suppose we are a little ahead of schedule, Fine! Because everyone had worked so hard I will let everyone have 2 weeks off. Also can you tell Anna to come and see me before heading home today as I want to talk to her about something" She said and we nodded

We thanked her and went back to the break room.

"She is letting us have 2 weeks off! I think she will say something about it after filming later" Skylar said and everyone was thankful for that

I went and sat next to Anna who was watching the TV. 

"Elizabeth wants to speak to you later babe" I told her and she sighed

"I want to go home and see the kids" Anna mumbled

I know Emily isn't Anna's but she loves her like she loves Charlie and I love Charlie the same too. We call them our kids because we are a couple so it just makes sense!

"Okay guys, I have decided to let you all have 2 weeks off since we are ahead of schedule, You can also have the rest of the day off so I will see you all in 2 weeks! Enjoy it" Elizabeth announced

We all smiled and began to make our way out. Anna just began to walk out because I know she just wants to go home and see the kids and relax. Maybe Elizabeth wouldn't notice.

"Anna, I need to talk to you!" She called

Maybe not! I told her I would wait in the car.


I walked over to Elizabeth to see what she wanted. 

"These 2 weeks will you please eat more? You are losing a lot of weight Anna and I am getting worried. These 2 weeks are what you need so please just focus on eating and relaxing okay? I don't understand why you are stressed so much more than everyone else though, What is going on?" She asked me

"I'm just tired. You know I don't cope as well as everyone else when I am worn out. I just have no energy. We film more than 12 hours a day and I hardly get any sleep, I just stress when I'm tired" I told her

"I know, I will try and cut the hours down on filming from now on, I can see how much it is affecting you all" She said and I nodded

Once she had finished talking to me we said goodbye to one another and I headed out to the car. Brittany decided to drive today. 

"What did she want?"

"She just wants me to relax and eat more these past 2 weeks" I said

"Are you going to?" Britt asked

"Sure" I mumbled

As soon as we got home we walked into the kitchen to find Emily, Paul and Charlie making cupcakes. We haven't spent time with them these past few weeks which honestly sucks! When they seen us they gave us both big hugs which was nice. It affects Charlie more since he was always been clingy. He was currently still hugging Anna. It's cute!

"I missed you both" Charlie said quietly 

"Missed you too love" We both said

Once Paul and the kids had finished the cupcakes we thanked him about 100 times and paid him $200 extra than we normally would. At first he didn't want it but we wanted him to have it. When Paul left we all went into the living room and cuddled up and watched a film. We ended up ordering a Pizza since we couldn't be bothered to cook and plus it was just a nice treat. At about 9pm both kids went to bed since they have school tomorrow. Anna was lying down with her head on my lap. I looked down and noticed she was asleep. I honestly am not surprised, She has worked harder than anyone since she had an extra scene which took them 3 nights to film. They filmed in the night since we was working on a different scene in the day. It's stupid to do that in my opinion. She didn't get home until 5 am and had only 3 hours sleep before doing the whole thing again the next day!

I turned the TV and gently carried her up the stairs bridal style into our room. She is definitely lighter than before, Of course she was light but she is much lighter now! I got her out of her clothes and put her into bed. Why would that be weird? I've seen her naked 1000's of times! I then got myself into bed and drifted to sleep!

*How was it?! I will check for any mistakes tomorrow! Enjoy!*

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