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We was going back home today. We have had an amazing week in London so we are all a little sad to leave.

"We will come back next year, we promise" Me and Britt told the kids 

They both smiled and nodded. We was currently in the taxi, on our way to the airport. I didn't really want to be stuck on a plane for 8 hours but I will probably just sleep to be honest. 

"8 hours is too long" Charlie huffed as we walked into the airport

"Australia is 24 hours so 8 hours is nothing" Emily told him 

He was shocked and I didn't think we knew that when he picked to go to Australia! Luckily we haven't booked that holiday yet so if he wants to change where we go, he can!

"I'm still sticking with Australia, is that okay?" He asked 

"Course it is babe" I told him and he smiled widely 


We was finally back home. That flight was horrible. There was two rude men on that flight thinking that me and Brittany liked them. They didn't know we was dating until we finally had enough of them both and told them. They seemed annoyed but who cares. 

The time was 01:00pm so I decided to wait till tonight to sleep. Even though I am tired I don't want it to mess my sleeping pattern up so I will just wait. Skylar let Charlie down and didn't pick him up at the airport. I don't know why and I will ask him now. I got my phone out of my pocket and rang him.

"You was meant to pick Charlie up? Remember?" I said as soon as he answered 

"That was today?! I thought it was tomorrow! Shit....I'm on my way to pick him up now, Is it still okay?" He asked

"Ill go ask Charlie quickly"

I went upstairs to Charlies room to see him unpacking, He was upset that Skylar hadn't been there to pick him up. I knew he would mess up. He hasn't been seeing Charlie that long and he has already done something wrong. Some people say hes just not used to being a dad but I wasn't used to being a mum so young but I learnt to handle it and now I know everything that Charlie likes, dislikes, how we does things, etc. Skylar knows nothing and has to ask Charlie all the time, that must suck. Your own dad not knowing anything about you.

"Your dad is coming to pick you up now. Are you still up for it?" I asked 

"Yeah" He sighed 

I told Skylar to leave now and he said he was. He would be about 20-30 minutes so I decided to talk to Charlie before he goes. He will be staying there for 5 nights. I will miss him. I have been with him everyday for 13 years. I know it's only 5 nights but hes still my little boy.

"Should I start to get used to him letting me down?" Charlie mumbled sadly 

"Hopefully not. Just don't worry to much about it okay? At least he is still willing to come and pick you up now and not at all. I am in no way on his side about this. I hate how he has let you down but he has only just come back into your life. Being a parent is a little scary, and defiantly when he is 13 years late and knows jack sh-"

"Anna! Don't you dare finish that sentence. You know I don't like swearing!" I heard Brittany say sternly 

"I'm 24, not 4 Britt" I rolled my eyes 

She glared at me and walked away. Charlie laughed and I carried on what I was saying.

"Anyway, He knows jack shit about how to be organized with kids so he messed up but he will hopefully get used to it all. You better start getting your stuff ready, he is on his way over here now" I told him and he nodded

He gave me a hug and I smiled, walking down stairs to see Britt and Em on the sofa watching one of Brittany's boring cooking shows.

"Babe, Don't put Em through this. She is only young, She is too young to die from boredom" I said dramatically

"Tell me about it! These shows are so boring" Emily whined and I laughed 

"If you two don't want to watch them, then either go to your own room or the cinema room!" She told us and huffed

"Come on Em, We can go watch something in the cinema room!" I said and Em smiled happily 

"Can we watch Insidious 3?!" She asked and I agreed 

Brittany didn't want Emily watching that, I don't know why because it's not even that scary but we all know what Britt is like!

"Mum I'm going. Dad is outside!" I heard Charlie say 

"Okay babe! Have fun and don't forget to text. I will miss you!" I sighed 

"I'm only going for 5 days!"

"I know but your still my baby boy!" I said and hugged him tightly before he left

*Short and crap chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I will try from now on. Any mistakes will be checked for later:D*

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