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I was currently watching The Voice when my phone began to ring. It was Charlie, We was meant to be at school.

"You better have a good reason for calling Charlie, You are meant to be in lessons" I said

"It is break time mum! Also can I go bowling and cinema later with Chad?" He asked me

"What time?"

"6:00" He told me

I could hear his friends calling him in the background saying that break time was over.

"Only if when you get home you tidy your room, I have been asking you for 2 days and it still hasn't been done! Now get back to your lessons. I love you" I said down the phone

"Okay, I love you too"

I could tell he was smiling. I then said a quick goodbye and hung up. Brittany was out today and Emily was obviously at school. I was kind of glad to have the day to myself. I took the tablets for the stress and 'depression for a week, I wasn't slightly depressed I was just stressed with everything that was going on! I didn't bother to take them anymore because I feel a lot better to be honest. As much as I love my job it's pretty good to have a good 5 month break from it.

I decided to go for a swim in the pool today since I loved swimming but I haven't done so in ages! I went in the inside pool since it was raining and cold today so I would prefer not to be outside!

After a good hour of swimming I felt good! I went upstairs and got changed into some tight jogging bottoms and a baggy Adidas top. It was a men's top so it was 100x bigger on me. I then headed downstairs and watched Spongebob. I like spongebob! Don't judge me.

"Anna?!" Brittany rushed in, she sounded worried

"Britt! What's the matter?" I asked

She ran over to me and kissed my lips about 10 times.

"You didn't answer your phone! I thought something had happened!" She sighed

"Sorry baby, I was in the pool for an hour" I told her


Charlie and Emily were now home. Brittany was cooking dinner, I did offer but she said she didn't want me doing anything just in case. I walked into the kitchen and sat on the worktop.

"Charlie is honestly asking to be grounded" I sighed

"What's he done baby?" Britt asked 

"He just has a terrible attitude on him. He was fine when I spoke to him on the phone earlier so something must have happened at school after break. He isn't doing anything that I have asked him to do and he want's to go out with his friends. I mean I would let him if he wasn't being a little shit" I told her

"He's probably just had a bad afternoon at school. He will be fine in a minute babe" She said 

I nodded and sighed. She walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss before checking on dinner. She was cooking some sort of curry. I was about to go and check on Charlie when my phone rang.

"It's Charlie's school" I sighed 

"Hello?" I answered 

"Hi Miss.Kendrick, It's Mr. Jonas, Charlie's year head. Sorry to ring you at 5pm but I have been super busy this evening" He spoke

"Hi, Can I ask why you are ringing then?" I asked 

"Charlie has been acting up in his classes recently and also been getting in a few fights. I'm sure he hasn't told you. Him and one of his friends, Jack, have been starting these fights with some other boys in their year. Now I am not saying this is all Charlie's fault but if he keeps carrying on with this bad attitude in class and fights then he is going to get suspended very soon. I'm sure no one wants that for Charlie so are you able to speak to him? There is support in place for Charlie at school. He goes to behaviour support 2 times a week but it doesn't seem to be working" He told me 

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