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"Hey baby, Elizabeth wants us to go and see her. She has something to tell us" Britt said from the kitchen

I whined like a 5 year old and rolled off the sofa. It is never a good thing when she wants to call us in randomly. Charlie and Em were at school and Brody was spending the day with Britt's mum since she has him every Tuesday, just so we can get things done around the house and also with work. Plus it is nice for her and Brody to spend time together.

"Do we have to go? Just say the cars are all in for repair" I said

"We can go to Taco Bell after?" She smiled and I gave in

Taco Bell is my weakness. Once we was both ready we headed over to her office, When we got there she smiled at us both.

"You probably won't like what I am going to tell you" Elizabeth started

"Then don't tell us" I huffed and Britt glared at me

I put my hands up in defense and Elizabeth carried on with what she was saying.

"I am sending you both on a acting retreat. You will work with a few other actors and actresses. There is nothing wrong with anyone who is going but us managers feel like the celebrities in this business need to connect" She told us

I could not think of anything worse. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

"If it helps Rebel, Ester and Skylar are going too" She told us

I guess that makes it better.

"Anyone else either of us know?" I asked

"Yeah, Jeremy is going and also Jennifer Aniston, Meryl Streep and a few more you've starred with. As for you Britt I only know Jesse Metcalfe is the only one from your movies. There is also another retreat for a ton of other movie stars but some where different since we wanted about 30 in each group, so there is about 3 groups in different places" She explained

I nodded and Brittany just asked a few more questions about where it is, how we get there etc. I wasn't really listening to be honest.

"How long is this for? I don't want to be away from the kids" I said

"A week but don't worry I will bring the kids up once or twice so you can see them. It's not like you won't be able to contact them, you still have phones and everything" She said and I nodded happily

We then left since we knew everything there was to know. There was even a bar there so me and my drinking partners (Rebel and Ester) can atleast have a drink one night. I guess it would be good to connect with other people in the movie business. Might even meet some people that I film with in the future.

Once we got home we had to pack since we leave tomorrow, bit of notice would have been nice though since know we only have tonight with the kids. We will probably go out for dinner though just so we can tell them and have a nice family meal.


Half fucking 5! Are you kidding me. We had to meet everyone some where then we would all have a big coach that would take us to the retreat. I hate this right now since I am so tired. We had a drive pick us up and take us to meet everyone since we couldn't leave the car there. 

Once we got there we had to wait for a few others. 

"Anna!" I heard Ester say happily 

"Hey Est" I smiled 

I was half asleep otherwise I would have been so much happier. Britt was currently talking to some others. I just sat with Ester and we talked about some random shit until we heard Rebel.

"Where's my aca bitches at" 

I laughed but waved at her and she came over and gave us a hug, then saying hello to everyone else. I really hope this week doesn't involve getting up early because I swear to god I will be so grumpy and angry pretty much the whole week! 

2 hours later we had finally arrived. It was more like a posh hotel than anything which I am so glad about! The rooms were amazing and I honestly thought we would have to stay like in tents or something. This all just reminded me of Pitch Perfect 2!

"Okay so now that you are all settled and unpacked I just want to explain what we will be doing this week, I know you probably didn't want to come here but I promise it won't be as bad as you may think! So today will just be everyone getting to know each other and a big group meal at the end of the day. Some days we may stay in the retreat area and do group things, acting exercises or just fun activities" Some man explained 

"This week is just about connecting with one another because you never know you may star in films with someone here in the future. I can tell you that Saturday and Sunday your children, if you have any, will come up to visit for the day and on the Saturday it will just be a fun filled day with a bunch of activities" He added and everyone nodded

For the rest of the day everyone just spoke and got to know each other. I haven't really spoken to Britt much today as I have been talking to a bunch of other people. I was currently speaking with Skylar and Jennifer. 

"I haven't seen you since we filmed Cake! How have you been?!" She asked happily

"I have been pretty good thank you! Yourself?"

"I've also been good! I'm sorry to hear about your baby girl but you know have another beautiful little boy" She said softly

"Yeah, Brody. He's a little cutie" I said

I then let her and Skylar talk. I miss the kids already and it's only been a day but I am used to seeing them everyday. I would see them 2 days though so it's not so bad. I then felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Britt.

"Hi baby, you doing okay?" She asked 

"I'm doing good, talked to most the people here but you" I smirked 

"I know right! I have hardly seen you today" She sighed 

I gave her a hug and kiss before everyone began to head to their rooms. Once we got to our room we decided to watch TV for a little bit. We have about an hour until we are have to start getting ready for the group dinner. 

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