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I was currently on my way to pick Charlie up from school and I could see paps following me. Honestly just leave me alone. I'm now 5 months pregnant. I have a hospital appointment tomorrow to find out the gender, I wanted to know since if I was having another girl then I would be prepared. Ever since Brooklyn I just want to know. I don't want it to be a surprise because I would just end up getting upset.

Once I had gotten out front of Charlie's school I seen him standing there with a teacher. Oh great! Charlie said something to him and then came and got in the passengers seat.

"Please just drive, I will tell you what we wants on the way home! Once he starts talking to you he won't shut up, so drive mother drive!" He joked 

I laughed and drove off. I looked in the car mirror to see him waving for me to come back, he looked mad but I can't be dealing with him talking for like an hour!

"He wanted to tell you how I forgot to bring my sport kit and then how I refused to wear spare school kit" Charlie said 

"I don't want you wearing their spare kit. Some smelly kid could have worn that and he could have fleas or anything!" I said and he laughed 

I don't think humans can get fleas but we never know. The whole way home we just talked about random stuff, how his day went etc. When we finally got home I headed into the living room where Britt and Emily were and Charlie headed upstairs to change and shower.

"Elizabeth called, she wants you to pop down there now for a chat" Britt told me 

"Nope, fuck right off. I have just been sat in the car for nearly 3 hours. Drove to Charlies school, brang him back and the traffic was terrible. I'm not going out again so she can either come here, call me or wait until another day" I said 

"Will you stop swearing in every sentence?" Brittany said a little annoyed

"I could do" I said, rolling my eyes 

"Right, I am going to a party so I will see you both tomorrow" Emily told us 

"No your not Emily. I already told you yesterday that you can't go. Your college tutor emailed me today and said you are beginning to get behind on some of your work so you can spend tonight sorting some of it out" Britt huffed

Why is she so grumpy today? She will probably blame it on an advert or a shoot but she is doing a photo-shoot the same place I had mine and they are lovely and are the few companies that treat you with respect. Emily looked at me, hoping I would say yes but then Britt looked at me rather annoyed. I don't need a long lecture of her tonight since she wouldn't leave it alone until I admit I was wrong and I never admit I'm wrong! I think Em should be aloud to go but I don't feel like arguing with Brittany.

"Sorry Em, I can't help on this one" I said and she sighed, walking up to her room

"Mum can I go swimming?!" Charlie asked as he ran down the stairs 

"Go for it babe" I said and he thanked me 

I laid on the sofa with my head in Britt's lap and she began to stroke my hair. I heard her sigh sadly as she put her head back.

"What's the matter? You are annoyed, I know you are. Please tell me what is wrong because I hate it when you are like this, I want you to be happy" I said 

"I don't know, I just feel like Emily never listens to me, She always has to ask you before taking it as a no. I think you are sometimes to soft on her, letting her go out all the time when she is behind on college work" 

"So this is my fault?" I mumbled. sitting up

"No I didn't say that, I just think you need to be more firm with her baby" She told me 

"I don't know if she is behind on college work because you never told me you got that email and I am easy going because she is a teenager and just wants to go out with her friends and have fun. She won't be able to do that forever, I think teenage years are a good time to mess around" I said 

"That's only because that is what you did" 

"What?! I had a child at 12 years old! I couldn't do any of that stuff when I was Em's age because one I had a kid and two I was an actress. have been since I was 10! Even if I didn't have Charlie I still wouldn't have been able to with my job. So no that is not because that is what I did! I just want Emily to have fun before having to think about having a job, getting her own place, paying for everything her self!" I argued 

"So did I!" She added

"No! You had help from your parents, had everything paid for until you was able to manage on your own! Yeah I had Elizabeth but I moved out at 17 and lived on my own with Charlie. Paid for everything myself since I needed to. I had no parents to help me or support me. I felt alone and scared but I had no choice but to do it alone" I spat 

I then got up from the sofa and walked out the door, grabbing my car keys on the way out. I just wanted to get away from the house for a few hours. I looked at the time and noticed it was half 5. I headed over to Marks. As soon as I parked the car in his drive I got out and he was already standing at the door with his arms open. I walked up to him and gave him a massive hug. I haven't seen him in ages!

"As soon as I seen your car I knew something was wrong" He said softly 

He took me inside and we sat in his living room with a hot chocolate. I could use vodka but I will not ever do that when I'm pregnant. I am not that stupid! 

"Can I stay here for a few hours? Me and Britt had a bit of an argument and I just needed to get away from the house" I told him

"You know you are always welcome to stay here" He smiled and I thanked him 

We decided to watch a film and just pig out on food. Mark always knows how to cheer me up. I hate talking about it so movies and food is always the best way. 

"Brittany just texted me asking if I was with you" Mark told me 

"You can reply saying yes. I don't want her to worry but can you say I will be home later?" I asked and he nodded

"I've missed you" I added

"I have also missed you!" 

We had another hug and carried on watching the movie. I then felt my eyes closing. I was so tired! I mumbled night to Mark and then fell asleep.

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