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I was currently downstairs eating my bacon roll when I ran to the bathroom to be sick. Today of all days! I have the award show tonight and I know for a fact that if Brittany found out that I had been sick she would not let me go. I know she is only looking out for me but I want to go since I have never missed an award show before! I quickly washed my mouth out and washed my hands before heading back to my roll. I was fucking starving and I had made this without burning down the kitchen so it deserved to be eaten! 

"I'm back!" Britt shouted from the front door

She was dropping Emily off at school, Charlie went back last night. It was Monday today. Once I had finished my roll I headed into the living room to see Brittany watching The Last Five Years. Really? I loved filming movies but I just don't tend to watch movies that I star in because I feel a little weird watching myself act. 

"Really Britt?" I smirked

"Yes! You know that this is one of my favourite films that you star in" She smiled happily

I laughed and walked over to her, sitting in her lap. She was comfy to sit on so why not? About 5 minutes into the film I felt like I was about to be sick. No. Anna hold it in!

I tried to hold it down but I just couldn't, I ran to the bathroom and was sick. Again! 

"Baby are you okay?" Brittany asked as she came into the bathroom

I flushed the toilet and sat against the bathroom wall, a few tears slipping down my cheeks. I hated being sick and somehow it made me cry. Britt sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. We then got back up and headed back to the sofa. As soon as I sat down I ran back to the bathroom. Oh for god sake.

"As much as I know you wanted to go to the awards, You can't. You have been sick 2 times in the past 2 minutes babe. I will call Elizabeth and let her know.

I huffed and walked back to the sofa.

"I feel fine so I don't know why I am being sick so much" I whined 

I was cuddled into Brittany and she called Elizabeth, putting it on speaker.

"Hey Banks, Anna can't come to the awards tonight so is there any way you are able to contact them and let them know?" Brittany asked 

"How come? She never misses an event like this" She said 

I was about to answer when I shot up to the bathroom. I am starting to get annoyed by all of this throwing up now!

"She has been sick 3 times in the past 20 minutes, I am going to take her to the doctors now. I hate to see her like this" I heard her tell Elizabeth

"Poor Anna! Well I hope she gets well soon, I will call tomorrow to make sure how she is doing. Goodbye Brittany"

She said a quick bye and hung up, I then headed back into the living room.

"I've actually been sick 4 times, Once when you was dropping Emily off" I sighed 

She sighed and stroked my hair, She has a habit of doing that for some reason.

"Right come on, We are going to the doctors" She said standing up

"No please can we just leave it?" I asked

"No babe. We are going, I know you hate the doctors but I hate seeing you ill so come on" 

I whined like a 5 year old and we headed out to her car. Mine was in the garage whereas Brittany's was in the drive so it was just easier to take. 


Pregnant?! I didn't even know that having sex with another girl could get me pregnant!   

(I know that this could never happen but let's all use our creative minds :D )

"How the hell is that even possible!" I groaned

"Oh yeah because I know the question to that don't I!" 

I mumbled a quick sorry to Britt and placed my head against the car window, We was on our way back home.

"I'm sorry baby, I am just shocked is all" She sighed and placed her hand on my leg

As soon as we got home we headed into the living room to talk. I was scared. I mean I have films coming up that I need to film. How will they hide my baby bump? What if I stress too much and then end up losing the baby? I could not live with myself knowing I was the cause of that!

"I know how scared you are and that your worrying a lot right now but I promise it will be fine babe. I will be here the whole way through you know that. It's going to be perfect and we will find a way to deal with everything else" She told me 

"How are we going to tell the media?" I asked

"We're not going to say anything yet. Of course we have to tell Charlie, Emily and definitely Elizabeth but the media don't need to find out until a couple of months, It's going to be fine because you have me to support you the whole way"

I cuddled into Brittany's side and we just stayed in silence, It wasn't awkward, it never is. I felt a lot better knowing I had Britt. I didn't really have anyone by my side when I was pregnant with Charlie. My parents were always away, I had help from my auntie when Charlie was born which was nice but it's nice to know I will have someone throughout the whole time! I couldn't be happier with Brittany in my life, It would be so different without her in my life right now.

"I love you" I said softly 

"And I love you" She replied 

She bend down and kissed my head, I then fell asleep in her lap.

~Short I know but 2 updates in 1 day! I will update again in a few days!~

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