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-Going to skip forward a little bit! Emily 15, Charlie 10, Brody nearly 3 and then 1 and a half year old Zeo-


So many people thought that the name Zeo was weird but it was so unusual and we all liked the name. Brody was a little jealous and did misbehave a lot when Zeo was first born but he isn't too bad now. He thinks all attention should be for him. Charlie and Emily helped out a lot. They still do. Skylar stayed with us for the first few months but is now back at his. He is currently working on a new movie so he isn't around much at the moment which kind of sucks for both Charlie and Zeo.

"Baby I have an event this weekend I have to go to in LA. Do you reckon you could drop me and the airport on Friday at 1pm?" Britt asked me 

"You are going away for the whole weekend?" I asked 

"Yeah. Sorry baby" She sighed 

"4 kids on my own? Thanks" I groaned and she laughed 

"But Friday I can't, I have a meeting at 12" I told her 

She smiled, saying it was fine. All 4 kids would be home since Charlie and Zeo won't be with Skylar, he gets back on Tuesday. This is not going to be fun. With Britt around it is just easier. The two older ones are normally fine but Brody tends to act up when I am with Zeo. 

"You know I will help out this weekend right Mumma?" Emily smiled as she sat on the sofa with me 

"Thanks Em. You know you don't have to though right? I don't want to stop you from going out with your friends" I told her 

"Most of them are on a school trip" She sighed 

"Why didn't you go?" I asked 

"Oh mum said I couldn't go. Parents evening kinda went bad so she was a little annoyed"

"Should of told me, I would have changed her mind. You shouldn't have to miss that"

"It's fine, I will hopefully go next time" She smiled 

"Just let me know when it is Em, I'll pay for it" I told her 

She thanked me, giving me a hug

It was currently 4pm so Charlie and Em are home. 

"Mum, can I go play football with Liam?" Brody asked me 

Liam only lived about 30 minutes from us. It did kind of suck for the two older ones since our house has no neighbors, the closest house is about 15 minutes away by car. I told Charlie he could since they was going to a park near by, plus Liam's older brother would go with them.



Brittany was now out of town and I was literally giving up on life. All 4 kids are being a pain in my ass. So much for Em helping.

'You owe me big time Snow! All 4 kids are being little shits :('

'Sorry baby, I will make it up to you, promise xx'

I didn't send anything back since I heard Zeo crying. 

He was sitting on the sofa with Charlie watching Finding Nemo. I picked Zeo up and placed him on my hip, heading into the kitchen. I needed to make some lunch for everyone. I only made the kids a sandwich since I didn't plan on cooking until dinner. I had to make each of them a different one since they are all way too fussy to like the same thing! 

Brody and Charlie had a ham sandwich, Emily peanut butter and Zeo just had a jam one. I made myself a roll with cucumber, chicken, tomato and lettuce. All about being healthy.

Once all the kids had eaten I began to clean up the kitchen, Brody felt the need to chuck his juice everywhere, making Zeo cry and then making Brody cry. Fun times. Em went into the garden and played with Brody while I cleaned up and tried to calm Zeo down. 

"Right I am bored of being in this house, where do you guys want to go?" I said walking into the garden, Zeo on my hip.

"Adventure Palace!" Charlie and Emily both shouted 

It was just this massive indoor play area for people of any age! There was literally something for everyone. Slides, laser tag, bowling, ball pits, go karts and a bunch more. There was also play area for Brody and Zeo too so it was good.

"You two go and get your shoes on! One of you help Brody with his too please while I call someone" I said and the nodded, running inside 

I got my phone out my pocket and rang Ester.

E- Kendrick! What's up?

A- Are you busy right now?

E- Not really. I am just watching a movie with Troy, his dad cancelled on him...again

A- Want to come to Adventure Palace? I am taking the kids and need to support! It has only been a day and they are driving me insane in this house

E- Of course, Troy loves it there! We will get ready now and meet you there in like 20 minutes 

I thanked her and hung up. I needed to get these 4 loons out the house. We have been stuck in the house all morning so way to loose some energy by going here!

*Short and shitty chapter but its like midnight and I am bored, will update again soon though*

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