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I had just finished a meeting with Elizabeth and I was about to leave to go and pick Brody up, he was with Britt's mum. I was not happy about it because whenever I go there she just tries to talk to me for about an hour and I hate it. Don't get me wrong, I love her mum but she doesn't shut up!

Brody has a hospital appointment today because about a week and a half ago he managed to get an open cut on his eyebrow by climbing out his cot, landing on one of his toy trucks. So he is getting the stitches removed. Now he has no truck toy and his cot bars have been raised, probably won't stop him from trying. He will be going in a toddler bed soon because I think he will prefer it since we know he hates his cot but he is pretty small for his size so I am a little worried. 


I was now home from the hospital and Brody has just been put down for a nap. Britt is also home then the two older ones are at school. Surprised Charlie was aloud to go back to school today as yesterday he had the worst attitude on him and ended up getting two detentions but today he seemed fine. 

"Have you asked Skylar about having Charlie until Tuesday? Charlie asked me this morning to remind you" Britt asked

Charlie wants to stay at his dad's for an extra night because one of his school friends lives near Skylar. I said I was fine with it so I will message him now.

"On it" I said

Once I had text him Britt came into the living room, sitting next to me. She turned the TV on and Keeping up with the Kardashians came on. I quickly jumped onto her lap, grabbing the remote. 

"No way am I watching this!" I huffed

"But I love it!" She argued

"I will seriously like you face if you make me watch that" I said and she laughed

She didn't change it so I grabbed her face and licked it. 

"Ewwwww, fine" She said and I smirked, changing the channel

"Knew it would work!" 

I then continued to sit in her lap because she was so comfy and I am too lazy to move. That was until the house phone began to ring and I had to move since I didn't want to answer it. Hardly anyone knows our house number so it was probably just Elizabeth.

"What?!" She said confused

I looked at Britt and she looked pretty annoyed. Who is that on the phone?

"Well I will be sure to tell her!" Brittany huffed

"Your scan has been moved to Friday morning! Thank you for telling me!" 

And that is why you get the house phone yourself! She then stormed upstairs, slamming our bedroom door. Now I would go and see her but I am sure Brody is about to cry so I went up to his room instead. As I got at the top of the stairs he began to cry, called it!

"L-loud" He cried

"I know baby, it was just big silly squidward on the TV" I said, poking his nose

He giggled and clapped his hands. I wanted to talk to Britt but I knew she was annoyed with my so I just left her alone for a little bit.

"Shall we go play outside?!"

"Yeeee" Brody screamed happily

Bundle of energy is the best way to describe him! Good thing I have a lot of energy too! Even though I am also lazy, I still have a bunch of energy so that's why I am a little annoying sometimes.

Once we got into the garden he wanted to go on the trampoline so I held both of his hands and jumped up and down a little. He started laughing happily. For the next hour Brody wanted to go on the swing and slide, they are probably his favourites!

"Mum!! I'm home!" I heard Charlie shout

Paul had picked him up today since Paul's son Jacob goes to the same school and he offered. I think Em was going to her friends house after school so we would pick her up later. 

I picked up Brody from the ground and headed inside, we was sat on the grass because he just wanted to pick at the grass, weirdo.

"Hey babe, how was school?" I asked 

"Good! I got this sticker in English because I could spell all the words!!" He said happily 

"Aw well done! Your doing so well in English" I smiled at him

I put Brody down on the sofa and gave Charlie a big hug. I promised him we would go for ice cream later because he did well at school today. I am honestly so glad he isn't trying to act older. I love it when he comes home proud because he was the only one in 3rd grade to get something right! 

"I'm going to get Emily" Britt said bluntly to me

I just nodded and she left. I knew she spoke to Charlie upstairs and seemed in a good mood with him so it's clearly me she is going to be grumpy with for a while! Guess who is getting the cold shoulder tonight!

"Can I watch Lion King?" Charlie asked, coming into the living room

"Go for it, I'm just going to get some apple juice for Brody. Do you want anything?" I asked

"Ummm, No thank you" He smiled 


All the kids were now in bed, I was downstairs and Brittany was in our room. She has been off with me all night so once I finished my coffee I headed upstairs. 

"Are you going to talk to me?" I asked as I got into bed

I was already in my pjs, It was too cold to sleep in my underwear.

"Why didn't you tell me about you getting a pregnancy scan?! Instead I had to find out by the hospital calling! Can't you understand why I am a little annoyed?" She huffed

"I know but I was going to tell you when I found out if I was or not. Brittany I am scared. What if I am pregnant again? 3 kids before I am even 25! Do you know what people are going to think of that?" I said sadly 

"I get that but why care what people think?! I am just annoyed that you didn't tell me, I am going to be here for you all the time, you need to understand that! We should be able to tell each other everything" 

"You know how I care what others think of me. Also I am sorry for not telling you but I was just scared" I told her 

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain, I love you" She smiled

"Love you too!" 

We had a quick kiss then cuddled up, watching TV for a little bit. 

*Haven't updated in ages but college is so busy and it sucks that I don't update much! I will update again as soon as I get the chance!*

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