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No sleep again. I have been talking with another movie director since 11pm and then Brody had woken up since he had a bad dream, then Charlie woke up for the same reason. I wasn't going to leave them both upset while I went to sleep.

Charlie went back to sleep pretty quick but Brody didn't and I ended up staying up till 4 am with him. The time I got him back to sleep, I had to get up since I had to be in York Cliffs by 6 am for a photo-shoot. It was a good hour drive from Back Cove.

"No sleep again?" Britt sighed

I was about to leave when she came down the stairs.

"Nope, was up with the two younger ones most the night" 

"You should have got me up baby" She told me 

"Yeah but I didn't want to wake you and I was already up" I smiled weakly 

A few seconds later I heard Mark beep. He was coming with me since he was going there today to see his friend. I gave Britt a quick kiss and said goodbye. All the kids were out the house today since they had school, except Brody, he was going to Britt's mums for the day.

Once me and Mark had arrived I said bye to him and headed inside the building. It was a modern building and was pretty quite, why wouldn't it be! It's 6 in the fucking morning!



I was currently at home on the sofa watching The Voice when my phone began to ring, it was Mark. We never ring or text one another so that is a little weird.

B: Hello?

M: Anna is in hospital, usual one. I know she is going to panic when you aren't here

B: Oh my god! I am leaving now!

It was only half 12 so the kids still had 3 hours left of school but Mark said he would pick them up and take them to Elizabeth once I get there. The whole way there I was really worrying about her, I know Anna is always injured and always going to the doctors/hospital but it has never really been serious so I hope it's nothing bad!

When I got to the hospital I rushed to her room but there was a doctor standing outside.

"They are just doing some more tests but you can go in and see her in a minute" He said

As soon as he said that another doctor came out and nodded, meaning I could go in. 

"Hey baby, how're you feeling?" I asked softly 

She looked so tired and she was very. She shrugged her shoulders and I sighed sadly, I hated when she was like it. 

"So before I say anything I think you will both be glad to know that the babies are absolutely fine and were not effected by anything that happened today" He said 

"What?!" We both said at the same time 

"By the reaction I guess you didn't know Anna was even pregnant?" 

"You think?" Anna sighed 

After he said everything he needed Anna was aloud to go since it was nothing serious which I was happy about. She just fainted as she hadn't been sleeping or eating much lately and it was just her body telling her to slow it down and take some down time. I wasn't surprised though since she was been very busy and stressed with work lately. Guess it was good timing because she has a week off.


"This is going to be absolutely fine you know"I told Anna 

"No. It's not, I am not ready to have another baby, let alone two! I don't want to be that mum who has been pregnant 4 times at age 21. I am going to get so much hate for this and I don't want that all over again. I got so much hate with Brody and I can not physically go through it again. I know so many people who are my age and have 4 kids but they have chosen to get pregnant. I didn't. Britt I know I probably sound horrible for saying that but I can't deal with having anymore children right now" She cried softly 

I knew she would feel this way.

"Babe I know you don't want to go through this again but everyone gets hate for everything. I wish you wouldn't think about the hate because honestly it does not matter. They don't matter. All that does is those two babies are going to be healthy. You have so many people around you that will support you and be there for you" I told her 

She  just nodded and put her head on my shoulder. I don't want her to be sad about this because having twins will be amazing.

*Suck at updating I know! Mistakes will be checked for soon. 3 weeks until I finish for summer break!*

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