Chapter β (Beta)

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Chapter β (Beta)


His plan was simple. They should take the paths alphabetically. Alpha should get the first path, Beta gets the second, Gamma gets the third and Epsilon gets the fourth. As simple as it was Epsilon couldn't help smiling to himself that he had thought of it. The sound of footsteps echoed around the hallway even though there were no visible feet to be making the sound. He ran down the halls, completely invisible. There was no one with him, no one following him, and no one fighting by him. He was flying solo on this one. He ran down some stairs then turned a corner and ran up some more. He figured he was heading towards the top because he was running up more stairs then down. Then again he could have been so far underground right now that he was running up just to get to ground level. It didn't matter, he was going to find a way out of here, find the rest of his team and get out as fast as possible. But the way this day has been going, he realized he would have to fight his way out or his way back to find his team. "Great," he thought. "I just cleaned these blades." Then he saw a group of guards standing around a door. This was the biggest group he's seen, there was no more then fifteen and no less then ten. He wished his team was right by his side fighting along with him, but then he pushed that thought aside. This was time to fight on his own, his own way. He knew there was too many to fight at once. He had to improvise. He walked up to the group of them as quietly as he could and found one standing behind another. Perfect, he thought. He slowly walked up behind them and tapped the first guy on the shoulder. The guy turned around, confused. There was no one behind him, so he shrugged and turned back. Epsilon then when back and tapped both of them on the shoulder. They both turned to look at him at the same time. "What?" they both asked at the same time.

"But didn't you?" one of them asked.

"No didn't you?" the other one said. Then they both shrugged and turned back. Now the trap was set, now just to get them to take the bait. Epsilon went back one more time and tapped them both on the shoulder. When they both turned around, Epsilon punched the first guy in the face, hard.

"What are you crazy?" he asked grabbing his nose that was bleeding.

"What are you talking about?" The other asked.

"You just punched me in the face,"

"No I didn't"

"Are you calling him a liar?" Another one asked.

"No it's just-"

"Why are you assuming it was him, it could have been you," a third said pointing at the one who asked if he was calling the other a liar. "I mean you could just be covering up fo-" He didn't have time to finished that sentence because the man he was accusing just punched him in the face. It didn't take long for more accusations to be thrown out and a full on brawl started. Epsilon had been waiting patiently on the side lines but it was his time to attack. Slowly he walked into the fight and begun taking people out one by one. Now only a few remained standing, the rest were either too tired to fight or passed out. The ones that remained standing looked as if they wouldn't be standing for long.

"I have a confession," Epsilon said, he was still invisible so everyone looked around for the source of the noise. "It was me." He said reappearing. The handful of people standing only had a minute to notice him before he became a blur running towards them. It wasn't long before they joined their ranks, face down on the floor. He wondered why there were this many people guarding this one door. There was a small window and Epsilon when up to it to look in. What he saw took his breath away. He threw the door open and ran inside.

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