Chapter π (Pi)

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Chapter π (Pi)

Alpha struggled to climb the steep hill in front of him. It was rocky and very steep with very little handholds.

"Why are we doing this again?" Alpha asked to Gamma who was a lot farther up the hill.

"Because, if I can see our destination we don't have to walk there." Gamma said looking past the tops of the trees trying to find where they were going. The sun was high in the sky so the land was well lit but the number of trees made it hard for Gamma to find what they were looking for. "Well, do you see anything?" Alpha yelled from below.

"No, nothing yet. Lets go up higher." Gamma yelled back, and Alpha groaned. "What? Would you rather walk there?" Gamma yelled back.

"I don't know," Alpha replied. "Depending on how much higher I'd have to climb this stupid hill, I think I'll take my chances."

"Quit complaining and climb." Gamma said turning back and heading up higher up the hill. They climbed for a few more minutes before Gamma got to the summit. She looked out at the expanse in front of her in awe. It was amazing. Miles and miles of trees, ocean, rocky cliffs, and beaches. There didn't seem to be an end in sight.

"Wow," she said.

"Yeah," Alpha said, coming up behind her. They starred at silence for a moment then Alpha moved in front of her. "Alright we have to find this place." He said pulling out his part of the map. He looked behind him and down the trail they had taken to get to the hill.

"Do you have any idea where we are?"

"Yes," Alpha said. "Were on a hill."

"I mean on the map."

"No, not yet."

"I can't see anything through all the trees."

"Well, it was your idea to come up here."

"I thought it would be better then walking. I still might be right."

"I think I found us." Alpha said showing Gamma the part of the map he was looking at. He pointed at a trail. "That is where we were before we climbed up this hill. So that means we are here." He said sliding his finger a few inches to the left. "The circle is just up ahead according to this map." Gamma walked up to the side of the hill and looked over. She concentrated on the spot where the map said the building would be. She noticed a glint of the sun reflecting off of metal.

"There it is!" She said pointing. Alpha ran up and followed her finger to the spot.

"Where?" He asked, looking through the dense trees.

"Luckily for you, you don't need to see it." Gamma said as she created a portal right in front of them. "I do." She concluded jumping in.

"I'm glad I chose to go with you," Alpha said jumping in right behind her.

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