Chapter ξ (Xi)

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Chapter ξ (Xi)

The sound of metal scrapping on stone was heard outside of the building as Epsilon pushed the door open. He walked into a dim lit empty room. It was empty except for a door all the end of the room. He walked over to the door, scanning the shadows for any movement. He opened the door and it reveled a staircase leading up. He walked up the stairs slowly so that he wouldn't make any noise. He wanted to keep the element of surprise for as long as he could. He was hoping it was as long as he needed to get Beta out of there. He got to the top of the stair case and there was another door. This one was opened a crack and a thin sliver of light shown through. He walked up and stuck his head in. He was looking in a room with a table and a light hanging from the wall. Three of those creatures were standing by the table. They were all leaning over the table looking at some piece of paper. They were pointing at it and talking in there language. Epsilon knew he couldn't wait anymore. He kicked the door open and stormed in. The creatures stopped what they were doing and looked over, alarmed. Epsilon pointed at the one closest to him.

"Where is Beta?" Epsilon asked, his voice stone cold.

"Another Human," one of them said in slow english. "Didn't we just deal with you?" "I'm not going to ask again." Epsilon said. "Where is Beta?"

"Who?" another said.

"The girl."

"We don't know who you are talking about." One of them said. Epsilon walked over to him and grabbed him and put his blade right up to him.

"Last chance." Epsilon said. No one answered. He stabbed the man with the blade. Instantly he went limp and crashed to the ground. The other two looked at him, stunned. Just then, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma came running into the room.

"We found her," Gamma said. Epsilon looked at Beta, she was scratched up but standing. She met his eye and smiled. She then mouthed 'I'm fine' to him. Epsilon went and stood next to them.

"There," one of them said, nervously. "You have found the one you call Beta. Now could you please leave?"

"No," Beta said.

"Its nothing personal, its just we don't want our planet destroyed." Gamma said. Beta threw out her arm and one of the creatures went flying across the room. He hit the back wall and crumpled to the ground with the sound of bones breaking.

"Wait, it's not what you think," the last creature said. A portal opened right under its feet. It fell through and disappeared. Everyone looked at Gamma for a second. She held up a finger to signify to wait. They didn't have to wait very long. A few seconds later they heard a scream above them and the roof of the barn broke as the creature fell through it and landed on the floor. He didn't get back up. Alpha moved to the table and looked at the piece of paper the three creatures were looking at before. Epsilon went over to Beta and gave her a hug.

"Are you alright?" Epsilon said, pulling away from her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. They are just cuts. They knocked me out and dragged me here," Beta said.

"I'm glad we found you, I was so scared." Epsilon said.

"I wasn't. I knew you'd be right behind me and I had nothing to worry about." Beta replied. Epsilon smiled and Beta blushed a little but smiled back.

"Alright, this appears to be some kind of map," Alpha said from across the room. The rest of them walked over to it. It was a birds eye view of a land they haven't seen before. Drawn on it with some kind of thick black ink was a large triangle. One of the points of the triangle had an X on it while the other two were circled.

"My guess is that we are here." Epsilon said. "And these two circled points are other bases for the rest of the creatures."

"So, I think we should split up and take them both at the same time." Gamma said.

"I agree," Alpha replied. "Gamma and I will take this base." Alpha said pointing at the left side of the triangle. "Epsilon and Beta can take this side." Alpha said pointing to the other circle on the triangle. We'll meet back at the X when were done."

"Alright! Lets rock and roll!" Gamma said.

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