Chapter Tau

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Chapter Tau

The Titans and Omega walked out of a greenish mist to see Heart standing in front of the theater looking impatient.

"What took you guy's so long?" She asked. Omega smiled but the rest didn't even hear the question. They just looked at the building as if debating whither or not to enter.

"Could just be a coincidence," Gamma said optimistically. Alpha looked at her oddly for a second.

"When has anything in our lives ever been just a coincidence?" Alpha asked.

"Well, there was that one tim-," but whatever Gamma had to say after that was drowned out by the entire theater exploding. Beta quickly raised her arms and grayish wall appeared in front of them. Bits of the theater flew directly at them but were stopped once it hit the gray wall.

"Jake!" Alpha yelled. Heart disappeared for a second then reappeared holding Jake. He was unconscious but otherwise looked unharmed. Heart set him on the ground on the other side of the street, away from the action.

The explosion died down and a large figure jumped out of the flames and landed behind the Titans. Omega, Gamma and Alpha turned around while the rest of them remained facing the other way.

The figure turned out to be two people. Diamond and Club stood there menacingly. The entire group turned to look at them, surprised to see them there.

"I see you've already met my new friends," a voice from behind them called out. They turned back and saw Jeff walking out of the fire. The flames not even touching him.

"Why?" Heart asked Diamond. He just shrugged.

"We meet up and we got to talking," Diamond explained. "It turns out we both have a common enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But, we will give you one chance to join us," Diamond said to Heart.

She just stared at him for a second, silent. Then with out warning, Diamond flew backwards several feet before coming to a halt. Heart, who looked as if she hadn't moved, just smiled.

"Wow Diamond, you were right," Jeff started.

"You do have a way with the ladies," Carl added sarcastically. He didn't respond, he just wiped a bit of blood off his lip. He unexpectedly ran up to Heart fist raised. He got within a few feet of her when he flew back again. Heart looked behind her confused to see Beta with her arm outstretched. Both her arms were out, one on each side, ready for an attack.

"We've got to split up on this one," Beta said projecting her thoughts to the group. "Epsilon, you're with me. We'll take the two faced freak. Heart and Omega, think you can take care of Diamond?" They both nodded.

"We'll take care of Club," Alpha thought looking over at Gamma. She raised an eyebrow.

"You mean the big guy?" She asked.

"Scared?" Alpha asked. She didn't respond. She just looked over and noticed Club had fallen though a mist. He landed a few feet away from the group in a heap. Unfortunately he quickly recovered.

"You're move." Gamma thought using Beta to project to Alpha. The pair disappeared through another portal and they both appeared next to Club. Alpha quickly ran over to him and swung a fist.

Club caught his arm and threw him away. He spun head over heels for a second before Gammas portal caught him and he landed on his feet.

"I'm just getting warmed up," Alpha said and threw his hands in front of him. The cement that Club was standing on disappeared and he fell through it. He was about halfway though the hole when the cement reappeared, leaving Club trapped up to his neck in cement.

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