Chapter Omicron *New*

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Chapter Omicron

Beta stood at ready with her team. Her anger had almost all but died down. She had to be careful about her emotions. The original Titan team was connected with a strong mental bond. They not only shared thought, but pain, and emotions as well. If Beta was angry the rest of the team shared part of that anger. The same went for the rest of the team but Beta had the most influence out of the rest.

Beta had lost patience with everything happening around her life. She was sick and tired of being used as involuntary gladiators in an existence where she was trapped but it's the only life she knows. The rest of the team doesn't realize much about the life in the outside world but with Beta's extended intelligence, she knew more about what happens outside of their prison to know that what was happening was wrong. She felt her anger growing and slowly took several deep breaths before calming down.

She knew that life would be a whole lot worse with out her team. Beta knew they were the only family she had or ever would. Part of her wonders how her life would be if it were different. If she had a normal family, normal childhood, normal life. Part of her wondered, but she knew she would rather trade that monotonous life for the one she had now, even though her circumstances weren't opportune.

'Grass is always greener,' Beta thought silently.

They had once again arrived at the same small entrance to the maze they were at a few hours previous. They each mentally prepared the same way they had for each skirmish they had in the past. Alpha just stared forward, while Gamma leaned against a wall relaxing. Epsilon stood in the front of the team, tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for the match to start.

Beta just stood calmly, trying to clear her mind. She had such a strain on her mind as a side affect of her condition. She had trillions of facts and data stored on her brain and able to remember at will. Every fact, every tidbit, every scrap of information, useless or otherwise crammed into her mind. Her mind was essentially a super computer. She had entire books memorized and stored for quick recall. Her mind worked constantly subconsciously.

Even trying to clear her mind caused work. She tried looking down at the floor and relax, but realized that was in vain. The second she looked at the floor, millions of calculations and data retrieval initiated. The small tiles on the floor were instantly counted and calculated, a small count hid on the side of her vision. Several letters appeared next to the gray floor as the hex codes for each hue on the floor popped up, floating in the middle of the floor. The material of the floor even rushed through her mind, she could see in her minds eye several materials flash by before a certain one was selected as a best match and its data was added to the ever expanding database of the small one square meter tile square.

She groaned in frustration and closed her eyes, the darkness blocking out the calculations. That took a small load off her ever expanding mind space. Her breathing became relaxed and calmer. In her more relaxed state, her mind began to wander. She wondered about her parent, unfortunately for her that was one of the few pieces of information left out to her. She could never picture her parent's true faces. Sure, she could compile a pretty accurate image from her own face and use her own mind to render a representation of what her parents looked like, give or take a freckle.

Beta could have that image complied before she could finish a blink but choose not to. She had imagined her parents as dark silhouettes, no faces, no details. She had always imagined her father as tall and well built, his height transferred to Beta's own body. Her mother was the opposite however. She was rather short, with longer hair. She couldn't see their faces, but had always imagined them, in their fake life in her other world. She purposely obscured their faces to keep the mystery. She didn't want to know, she didn't want to long for them. She had a new family now. She wouldn't trade it now. Not even if she knew her family. Not even if they were wealthy and bought her a pony for her sixth birthday.

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