Chapter Beta *New*

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Chapter Beta

When you're trapped in a cell for about ninety percent of the day, you tend to get bored. When you're bored you think of a lot of things to do. One of which was finding out when the guards made the rounds. None of them had watches so they used the shadow left from artificial simulated sun and moon shining though the bars in their cell to tell time.

Epsilon made notches in the ground to signify time and when the sun or moonlight touched it they would know what time it was. They all knew that three notches for the moon light meant a guard was walking by. That is when they planed their attack.

Sure enough at the third notch the familiar sound of foot steps walking pass their door was heard. They all held their breath listening to the chit chat from the guards. One of them said something that couldn't be heard on the other side of the door and the other laughed. Then their foot steps got quieter and quieter until they could no longer be heard.

Alpha walked up to the door and held his hand in a fist and tapped it with his first finger twice. Their signal for "Ready?" The rest responded by tapping their fists with one finger once, their sign for "Lets do this."

Alpha stepped back and Beta walked up to the door. She placed both hands on the door took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A minute later the door broke off its hinges and few against the wall. The sound of the collision echoed down the hallway. Voices were heard down the corridor as armed men ran down to where they were.

Epsilon snapped his wrists and the blades on his forearms sprung out. A second later he completely vanished. The rest of the team watched as the armed guards dropped one by one in a matter of seconds by some unseen force.

When the last one fell, Epsilon came back in to view and put his hands together and rotated one of them 180 degrees. "Lets go." The rest of them ran down the hallway, there footsteps not making a sound on the stone floor. They ran down a flight of stairs and turned a corner. That led them to a fork in the road.

"What now?" Beta asked. The question wasn't directed to anyone as much as it was directed to herself. The rest of the group knew what she was doing and that it was rhetorical so no one answered. She closed her eyes and stood completely still for a few seconds. Then she opened her eyes and pointed to the left side.

"This way," she said. No one questioned and everyone followed. They ran down it for a few minutes until they ran into another set of guards.

Epsilon was the first to respond. He snapped his blades out and ran at full speed one of them. He ran at him throwing his arm back, getting ready to attack. The guard noticing this lowered his spear-like weapon to attack Epsilon. Epsilon let out a little smile, he was too smart for that, in fact the guard was playing right in to his hands.

At the last second, he jumped over the guard, completely upside-down, and stabbed the guard in the shoulder. He cried out in pain and dropped his spear. Epsilon landed behind him and grabbed it and threw it at Alpha. He caught it and there was a bright flash of light and the spear broke into hundreds of tiny pieces.

The splinters of the broken weapon floated in the air for a moment as Beta held them up with her arms straight above her head. She brought them down and forward in one fluid motion and the splinters became deadly projectiles each one shooting directly at the remaining guards.

They hit them at full speed, Epsilon could hear each one whiz past his head as they sailed past him and embedded themselves in their attackers. With in a matter of seconds the battle was over. Epsilon held out both of his hands into fists and had the thumbs pointed straight up, then he put both fists together. Their sign for "Good Work Everyone." Everyone else flashed the same sign back.

Then they continued down the hallway again, salvaging any weapon they could find. They turned the corner again to find themselves in a large room. They stood there for a minute examining the room. It had only one exit on the other side.

They started walking up to the door until with out warning a kid blocked their path, dark hard eyes staring straight at them.

"Hey there," Beta called out. "How are," but Epsilon didn't hear her finish that sentence. Everything suddenly slowed down as his adrenaline kicked in. He looked over and saw the kid raising his arm a few inches to the left of his head.

He stared at Beta for a second before bringing the hand down, swinging it in a diagonal arc. Epsilon felt his feet moving but his brain couldn't comprehend it fast enough. The next thing he knew was that he was standing in front of Beta, his ha

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