Chapter Nu *New*

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Chapter Nu

The Titans quickly took up formation in front of the entrance of the maze. They could hear metal scraping on metal and knew that the maze was being manipulated and changed. Beta and Omega had both placed a hand on the wall of the maze. The remaining Titans knew that they could both figure out the lay out of the maze.

Beta was able to by sending out psychic pulses and feeling where they hit the walls bounce back at her. She had formulated that plan by researching about bats and sonar capabilities. She had figured that she could try the same basic principle to achieve the same effect. It was the same way she could see Epsilon even while he is in his invisible state.

Omega could determine a route in the maze by feeling sensitive vibrations in the ground and air wind patterns and analyze that to create a mental map in his minds eye. The Omega team first suggested the idea after they wanted him to try to fight with out the use of his eyes. They wanted him to be able to see 360 degrees around him at all times. He was then subject to vigorous training to detect the slightest movement in the ground or the slightest change in the wind to determine where an object in the room was. The irony is that, the same team who developed the idea were also destroyed by it.

Omega turned to Beta and they both nodded. The movement had stopped, the maze was complete. The rest of the team standing by each received a clear mental image that depicted a large map, on a black background with the walls colored white. There were several colored dots by the front of the maze that depicted the Titans and their moment. Any move that was made would be recorded for everyone to see. On the bottom left corner of the map were two dots and a larger dot labeled 'flag.' The Titans knew that the two dots were Penny and Chase's positions.

"You've got mental mail," Gamma thought, projecting it through out her teammates minds ear. Epsilon couldn't help suppressing a small chuckle. It was good to have Gamma back to her normal, joke cracking self. She tended to get over grudges very quickly. Either that or she was cheering up thinking of the beating she was going to give Chase.

"Definitely the second option," Gamma answered for Epsilon with a small smile. He forgot she was connected to his mind, everything he thought she knew about. They used it to share information about any mission they went on so they are always up to date and never surprised. Beta also noticed that when one of the group's adrenaline spiked, it tricked the remainders minds and their adrenaline spiked as well, increasing strength and speed.

"Alright, let's focus here," Alpha thought. "Do we even know how to get to the flag?" A second later, a large red line quickly finished the maze leading to the flag.

"That's the route we take," Beta thought to everyone. "Granted, they don't change it. It's not the shortest route, but it might be the one they'd least suspect we'd take. If we all stick together we should get out of this place alive." They all nodded in agreement.

The intercom clicked on and a loud voice boomed through out the room. A voice that the Titans recognized from birth. It was almost computerized with a hint of human in it.

"Game will begin in 6...5...4...3...2...1...Begin!"

The voice yelled and the Titans sprung into action. They sprinted through the entrance of the maze and turned instantly before hitting the first wall.

The maze seemed smaller than they had previously guessed just by looking at it. The short ceilings and cramped walls would pose a problem when they were confronted. The maze was also brightly lit, so much so that it gave the gray walls more of a bright white tint, making it look almost like a hospital corridor.

They ran down a small straight away before turning another corner and running into a fork in the road. They didn't even hesitate. They turned left and saw a larger straightaway in front of them. They continued sprinting forward checking the map every so often.

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