Chapter ι (Iota)

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Chapter ι (Iota)

It was the middle of the night. A dim light from the moon and stars shown through the window of the room, casting shadows of the trees swaying in the breeze. The only sound was the wind blowing on the breeze outside and the trees swaying in the wind. The occasional owl was heard but other then that silence. It was almost peaceful. Which made everyone jump when Beta bolted up right in her bed, eyes wide open. Alpha jumped out of his chair, fists raised. Epsilon became visible again and snapped his wrist blades out. They cut the fabric of the clothes he had stolen to blend in.

"What's with all the racket?" Gamma said, sitting up still half asleep. She noticed everyone else on high alert and quickly got out of the bed and into a fighting stance.

"Beta, what is it?" Alpha asked.

"I don't know," Beta replied, lost in thought.

"Are we in danger?" Epsilon said.

"I don't know," Beta said, preoccupied by something else.

"Ugh, wake me when something interesting happens," Gamma said falling back on the bed. She didn't have to wait long.

"RUN," Beta yelled and at that moment there was a snap and a man appeared in the middle of the room.

"What? Leaving so soon? I just got here," he said with a grin. Epsilon ran at him and threw his blade right at his chest. Right before the blade connected, the man disappeared. Then a spilt second later he reappeared right behind Epsilon and kicked him square in the back. It sent him flying across the room until he hit the wall on the other side. Alpha grabbed the chair he was sitting on before and turned it into two large baseball bats. He ran at the man with one bat and swung it as hard as he could. As was to be expected he vanished again and reappeared right behind him. But Alpha was ready for that. He swung the second bat around him right next to the man's head. He caught it in midair before it came close to hitting him. "Nice try." He said and he kicked him right in the stomach. He flew across the room and landed right next to Epsilon. He turned to Gamma. "What are you going to do about that?"

"This," she said and she created a portal right under his feet the other right in front of her. He flew out of the portal and right when she was in front of her she punched him right in the face. Being thrown off by the portal, he couldn't deflect it and ended up flying a few feet back. Gamma created another portal right behind him and the other right in front of a wall. He crashed into the wall, headfirst then and he fell back crashing right on the floor. Before she could celebrate, however, he started getting up. Fortunately, so did Alpha and Epsilon.

"You guys are good," he said looking around the room. "You'd be doing a lot worse if that girl wasn't slowing me down."

"I have a name," Beta said, throwing her arm out. The man was quickly thrown against the wall at a high speed. Beta then flicked her wrist up and the man was lifted up, she spread her fingers out and he hung there just staring at her. "You can call me Beta." She said in a cold voice that sent chills down the rest of their spines. "Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?" The man started laughing.

"I'm not going to tell you anything," He said still laughing. Alpha walked up and punched him in the stomach. When he did a radio fell out of his pocket. Epsilon grabbed it and held it up to his mouth and pressed the small button on the side. At that same moment a few miles away the man with the eye patch sat in his office reviewing notes of his last experiments. His office was lit with a flickering bulb on his desk and there wasn't really much more to the room. Just a small desk, chair, and a few more chairs scattered in random places in the room. The lack of light didn't bug him so much. He liked the darkness, he embraced it. As he was reviewing his notes his concentration was broken by a loud noise coming from a device on his desk.

"Who ever is on the end of this line better give me some answers." It wasn't a voice he wanted to hear on that device. It wasn't the voice of the man he had given it to. This was the voice of one of his experiments he recognized it. Now he knew why the man he had sent had failed him.

"Epsilon? Is that you?" He said into the microphone. The was no answer for a while so he waited. A few moments later the voice came back on.

"Who are you?" the voice asked. It was cold, and he was determined to get some answers.

"Who do you think I am?" he replied.

"A psychotic pirate," came another voice on the radio. This, the eye-patched man knew was Gamma.

"We don't know," the voice came back saying. "Why don't you quit with the stupid games and just tell us already."

"Well, someone is impatient." He said into the radio. "Alright, I'll tell you but only because you asked nicely. I guess you could say that I am father figure to you guys. I created you, raised you, and taught you everything you know. I'm the only parent you have." Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Epsilon all stared at the radio for a few minutes and looked at each other giving quizzical looks. The other man in the room used that opportunity to get out. He disappeared while Beta's concentration was elsewhere. It didn't matter, they didn't need them there anymore. No one would have stopped him if they could.

"Do you think he's telling the truth?" Beta asked.

"I doubt it, he's just lying to get us to come back." Alpha said. Right then was when Gamma remembered when she had heard his voice before. He was one of the lab coat men who were talking about her.

"I hate to say it, but I'm afraid he's not lying. I remember him when I was being created. He's telling the truth." Gamma said.

"Ok, so he's telling the truth," Epsilon said. "So what? What do we do now?"

"Ask what he wants," Beta said.

"So, "father"," Epsilon said into the microphone. "What is it we can do for you? Why did you send someone to get us?"

"Isn't it obvious? You escaped and I want you back," the voice in the radio said. "You could say that you've "broken curfew" and I sent someone else to come pick you up."

"No thanks," Epsilon replied. "We're fine where we are."

"Epsilon, listen." The voice on the radio said in a much softer tone. "I need you back, I can't tell you why but I need you guys back here. It's extremely important. I wish to talk about it more in person, so how about this? You come back and hear me out and if you don't what you hear, your free to leave. Talk to everyone else and see what they think. I'll wait." The voice clicked off.

"So, what do you guys think?" Alpha asked the room.

"I think its a trap," Gamma said.

"No, I don't think its trap," Beta said. "His voice was sincere and he meant what he said. He needs us back and if we refuse he'll let us go."

"Epsilon, what do you think?" Gamma asked.

"I don't know," He replied. "If we don't, he'll just send out more people to get to us until he's run out of people or we are dead. I think we should try it."

"I agree," Beta said and Alpha nodded his agreement.

"Lets do this," Gamma said jumping off the bed.

"Alright, we'll hear you out." Epsilon said in to the microphone. "When and where?"

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