Chapter υ (Upsilon)

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Book Three

Rage of the Titans.

Chapter υ (Upsilon)

Epsilon and Beta landed once again in the soft grass. The sun was setting behind the large mountains which lit the sky with a dark purple glow. Surrounding them was Alpha, Gamma, Omega, and Zeet. Zeet was looking over the landscape, his mind else where. When Epsilon and Beta landed he turned and looked back.

"Good, were all here," he said. He turned and waved his staff over the landscape. "Dimasian's army is gathering on the other side of that hill." They all looked and saw the hill. It looked incredibly close.

"They're back there?" Alpha asked.

"Yes, so you know we don't have a lot of time. His army will be large but we can fight and we can win." Zeet said. He turned back and saw a blob of darkness in the distance. "Don't want to worry you but, thats them." He said pointing at the blob. From a distance they looked to be a small army but they knew that up close they would be deadly. A feeling of fear passed through all of them. Then they realized what they had to do.

"Come what may," Epsilon said snapping out his wrist blades. "We're not going down without a fight." Zeet nodded and looked towards the hill.

"I just have one more question," Beta said interrupting the silence. "Where are all the other Titans?"

"Yeah, i thought there would be more." Alpha said. Zeet looked at the ground and shook his head.

"There are no more. You were the strongest and only the strong survive." He said. They all stood there, silent for a moment. That was when Zeet realized how tired they all were. They were all swaying back and forth and could barely keep their eyes open.

"You guys should get some sleep. I'll wake you when the army gets too close." Zeet said. They all nodded, now realizing how tired they were. They laid down in the grass and all fell asleep as soon as they shut their eyes. Beta woke up a few times during the night out of fear. Every time she would wake up, Epsilon would wake up and smile at her, letting her know everything was going to be alright. Finally she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed about her time as an experiment and her training to be come a titan. She wondered if she would be able to survive the next day. She jumped awake as someone touched her shoulder. She looked up to see Epsilon, still smiling but the smile fading a bit. The day was just breaking. The sun was rising but it was hard to notice over all the clouds. Zeet was standing by the edge of the hill, leaning on his staff, his concentration elsewhere.

"Here they come," he said and did a running leap off the hill and flew straight for the approaching army.

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