Chapter Upsilon

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Per a request (written in all caps mind you) I have written more Titanomachy. (yay!)

Now i just have two tiny requests...

Alpha) This is the chapter where all the questions are answered. Did i miss anything, or was this chapter confusing? Any suggestions for making this chapter better is much appreciated.

Beta) I posted the Titans again so i can enter it in the Watty awards. If you wouldnt mind voting again for it, that would be amazing (side note, if anyone else nominated anything, let me know so i can vote.)

Shut up Marko, let them read the chapter...I'm done now.


Chapter Upsilon

"It seems that neither heaven," Jeff started, brushing ash off his

oddly shaped dark jacket.

"Nor hell," Carl added.

"Will have us," they ended together, their voices cold. The Titans

Didn't respond, they just stood there, ready for a fight. Alpha and

Gamma had come over and stood next to their team.

"Because were in a generous mood," Carl began, noticing the Titans

weren't going to respond.

"We have decided," Jeff added.

"To allow you," Carl spoke now.

"One last chance."

"To join us!" they ended together.

"Pass," Epsilon said speaking for his team.

"Now now now," Jeff said.

"Lets not make any hasty decisions."

"Were just merely asking."

"For you to join the fight."

"For a better world," they both said in unison.

"A better world?" Beta asked skeptically. "What kind of better world are you talking about?"

"A world where people don't have to suffer endless pain and torture." Jeff stated.

"A world where people don't use science to splice together other humans." Carl added.

"A world where people don't use science to alter human beings to use for their own scientific gain." Jeff said.

"And we were created," Carl said. "For what? To be used as weapons for more human destruction."

"Humans will irrefutably cause more and more pain and suffering." Jeff said.

"Take us for example." They both said.

"We were created after much pain and suffering," Carl spoke this time.

"And for what?" they both asked.

"To create more pain and suffering by what they have created with pain and suffering." Jeff finished.

"That doesn't seem right, does it?" They both asked.

"I think you might be over exaggerating," Alpha imputed. "I'm sure you weren't created to cause pain and suffering."

The pair's reaction surprised the team. They just stared at the team for a second before bursting out laughing. They bent over in hysterical laughter before standing back up and regaining their composure.

"Do you have any idea why we were created?" Jeff asked. After seeing their stunned silence Carl continued.

"His son's were given a challenge."

"To create a team capable of eliminating everything and anyone that stood in their way."

"They quickly went to work and eventually, project Titans and Olympians were created."

"We don't have to tell you what happens next."

"You got stronger and stronger. You grew closer as a team and destroyed anything in your path."

"But eventually, you became too good." They both said at the same time.

"Our creator felt you were getting to out of control and decided it would be best if you were," Carl said.

"Out of the picture," Jeff finished.

"Which brings us back to the original question." Carl said.

"Your creator's father created us for one sole purpose in mind."

"To abolish you entirely," They both said at the same time.

The Titans stood there for several seconds, shocked at what they heard. Part of them didn't want to believe it. Why would they spend so much time creating something only to destroy it later?

The other part of them, that wanted to believe what they just said, sent the team instantly into a fighting stance. If he was really out to assassinate them, they weren't going down with out a fight.

"Whoa!" They both exclaimed at the same time, holding out their arms in clear surrender.

"Trust us," Carl said quickly.

"We don't intend on following that man's orders," Jeff said, his voice turning hard when he said 'that man's' as if just saying his name was a personal insult to himself.

"We're not here to kill you," Carl added. "We just want you to see our points and join us."

"To abolish the entire human civilization?" Epsilon asked skeptically.

"Exactly!" They both replied.

"Don't you see how they cause pain and suffering at every turn?" Jeff asked.

"Don't you realize why we were created? Do you remember all the pain you had to inflict on others just like you, just so you could survive?" Carl asked.

"The humans are corrupt," they recited in unison.

"This is the best way," Jeff said. "We can start over, create another race, do it right."

"Not all humans are like that," Gamma retorted. "Only the ones you have encountered."

"Maybe, maybe not." They both said, their voices overlapping to create an almost eerie effect.

"But undoubtedly, they will become that way," Carl exclaimed.

"And those that don't," Jeff continued. "Will be caught under their cruelty. It would be better for them if they didn't exist."

"Who are you to make that decision?" Gamma accused, voice rising in anger that the rest of the team hadn't even seen her express before.

"Someone's got to," Jeff said.

"So, last chance," Carl said.

"You in or you out?" they both said together.

Epsilon looked at the rest of his team. Alpha slowly shoot his head. Beta looked at him with cold eyes that explicitly said 'You know my answer." Gamma cracked her knuckles twice. Epsilon turned back to the pair standing in front of him. He stared at the pair for a moment, and then snapped out a wrist blade with one swift motion, showing them he was ready for a fight.

"Shame," they both said. "I wish it didn't have to be like this."

Suddenly there was a loud ripping noise. The team stared in amazement as they noticed Twoface's arms were ripping in half, split straight in the middle. Several seconds later, the two arms had become four, two on each side of the body and each with a separate pair of hands.

In unison, they both spread out their arms to their sides. There was a bright flash of dark light on their forearms. When the light faded, Epsilon noticed four wrist blades, identical to the one on his arm, protruding several inches past Twoface's many hands. They smiled their eerie smile, and charged at the group.

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