Chapter Xi *New*

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Chapter Xi

Alpha awoke to a severe pounding in his head. He tried to sit up, wincing as he felt the pain in his side. He clutched his rib and started to sit up, slower this time. He leaned against the wall behind him and closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. He racked his brain trying to recall his last memories. He remembered seeing Chase appearing right in front of him and the next thing he knew, he was waking up here.

Exactly where here was remained a mystery to the temporally blinded Alpha but that was quickly remedied when he opened his eyes. He looked around the small room before he quickly remembered it. It was the room they had lived in for almost their entire life. He saw the rest of his team lying dormant on the floor before they started to stir.

Beta, Epsilon, Gamma, Shadow and Omega all got up just about the same way Alpha did. Slowly and painfully. They all clutched different parts of their injured body before they rose to a standing position.

"So," Epsilon said, trying to break the tension. "I guess this is what losing feels like." He said with a small sigh. His team nodded in their agreement.

"Not so fun when you are on the failing side is it now?" A voice randomly boomed through the room. They looked in the middle and saw a flicker in the middle of the room before a man started to appear that they recognized as Victor. Chase and Penny soon appeared immediately afterwards, standing on both sides, almost smirking.

"You guys put up a fight," Chase said with an air of ease about him. Knowing he was in control of the situation and taking full advantage of it. "I haven't had that much fun in years."

"I haven't seen a match like that," Victor said, then thinking about his answer reconsidered. "Ever."

"Glad we could entertain you," Epsilon spat back. "So, what happens now?"

"Well, luckily for you, you still have one more chance. I suggest a bit more practice and hopefully a better fight the second time around." Victor said with a small hint of satisfaction. The Titans just stared back in anger. Gamma shot daggers at Victor and Alpha had a look of anger that hasn't been seen before.

"Well, we'll leave you alone then," Victor said almost scared. He pressed a button on his watch face and vanished. Chase grabbed Penny's arm and they both vanished. The team slowly stood up and stretched their aching muscles.

"Anyone hurt?" Shadow asked the room. They all shook their heads quickly.

"Only my pride," Gamma inputted. Epsilon nodded his agreement.

"You know what?" Beta said. "Screw Victor." Beta said, her anger getting the better of her. Most of the time she could keep it under control but the rest of the Titans noticed that it was creeping out now. Victor seemed to be able to get under her skin.

"Lets find our own way out of here," Beta continued her voice rising. The four chairs lining the room started to rise in the air, one of which Epsilon was sitting on. "I'm sick of playing his little games."

"Beta..." Epsilon said, floating several meters above the ground.

"I mean, what gives him the right to control us like this?" Beta said, slowly hovering a few inches above the ground.

"Uh, Beta..." Epsilon said, about twenty meters in the air, holding on to the chair desperately.

"How long are we going to let him keep doing this to us," Beta said, dropping her hands in defeat. Indecently, everything she had psychically in the air flipped over. Epsilon felt himself fall before he fell out of the chair and into a green vapor, eventually reappearing behind Beta. Unfortunately his orientation was messed up and fell to the floor.

He quickly jumped to his feet and reached up, putting a hand on Beta's shoulder. She turned, hate in her eye before she saw who it was. She slowly lowered to the ground, while the chairs fell as well. Epsilon pulled Beta in for a hug, and they just held each other for several moments.

"It'll be ok," Epsilon whispered in her ear. "Trust me." She didn't respond, she just nodded. They separated and faced the group.

"Uh, sorry guys," Beta mumbled. They all nodded as if to say 'Don't mention it.'

"Well, for now, our only choice is to stick around here and hope that Victor comes through. It's the only lead we have. We have to follow through." Omega chimed in.

"But how are we going to beat Chase and Penny?" Shadow asked. "We pretty much got destroyed a few hours ago."

"I'm pretty sure," a voice started from the entrance of the room.

"We can." A second voice chimed in.

"Be of assistance." The two voices finished together. The team looked over to see a man standing at the door. He was about two and a half meters tall. He had sharp almost pointy fingers, almost thicker claws. But the thing that caught the Titans attention first was that the man had two faces on one head.

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