Chapter Epsilon *New*

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Two (well, i guess you could argue three) old friends in this chapter. Enjoy

Chapter Epsilon

The team stood there, dumbstruck, staring at the face staring back. It was almost identical to the first in that it had the same pointed almost curved beak-like nose. He didn't have his counter parts pointy chin; his was more rounded and blended in more with the back of Jeff's head. He had the same pair of alternatively colored eyes, except the green one was on the left while the blue was on the right.

He stared, his gaze piercing the Titans. They couldn't help but wonder if he could see them standing there. He was silent for a minute, his green eye moving around slowly as if he knew something was there but couldn't quite understand what it was.

"What?" Jeff asked, turning his head to the side.

"Nothing," Carl replied his thin eyebrows bunched up in confusion, still staring at the wall as if expecting something to appear. Jeff shrugged and placed his hand on a scanner beside the wall. The scanner blinked red twice then flashed green once and the door on the other side of the hallway slid up to reveal a small white room. It was completely empty except for a small chair off to the side. On the far wall was a large window that looked into another room that was emptier than the first.

Jeff walked in, his oddly sound footsteps disappearing as the door closed behind him.

"What the heck was that?" Beta asked, perplexed.

"They," Shadow said, accenting the word they. "Are Two-Faced." At that, everyone turned to look at Shadow.

"What?" Alpha retorted.

"I ran into them in the hallway once," Shadow replied calmly. "They introduced themselves, actually, introduced each other, and we went on our way. They, apparently, can roam free around this place with out getting stopped."

The Titans stood there for a minute then accepted the truth. Epsilon turned to Gamma.

"Did you get it?" He suddenly said. She nodded.

"Quickly scanned the room before the door closed," Gamma replied. Epsilon nodded and Shadow looked confused.

"You'll understand in a moment," Beta said. They stood there for several moments, waiting for Two-Faced to come out. They stood in complete silence, invisible.

"Any one else as bored as," Gamma started but was quickly cut off by a blaring alarm right above them. Instinct and adrenaline kicked in and they instantly flattened against the wall again, holding their breath.

A second later, the door on the other side of them opened again and the tall figure ran out. He stood there for a second before a group of men, guns in hand, ran past him.

"What's," Jeff started.

"Going," Carl added.

"On?" They both finished together.

"Experiments are on the loose," the last man in the group shouted as he ran past him. Jeff and Carl both started to follow them but at the last second stopped and looked one final time at the teams hiding place. They stared at it for a second and then ran off with the rest.

Everyone turned to Beta, whose eyes were closed. She looked to be in deep concentration, before her eyes snapped open, a look of confusion on her face.

"It's not us," she stated which was accompanied by several sighs of relief. "I can't tell what it is but it's on the complete opposite side of this building."

"Looks like we caught a lucky break," Epsilon stated. Then turned to Gamma. "Ready?" He asked.

She didn't reply. A split second later, she fell as if through a hole in the floor. They all looked down to see a green mist swallow her up. Once she disappeared through the fog, the rest of the team quickly jumped in. They all fell for a few seconds, then landed silently on the stone floor of the other room.

They stood up and examined the room, it was the same small room that they had noticed before the door had closed. The walls were painted a bright white that seemed to brighten the room, aiding the dim lighting flowing through the window in the middle of the far wall.

The team walked over and looked in. Inside was small room, nothing on the walls or floor. The entire room was painted the same bright white. In the center of the room there was a boy in his late teens, looked to be about a year older then Alpha.

The boy had on a straight jacket; large headphones, that seemed to cancel out any sound; and a blindfold. Surrounding him was five men dressed in karate gear and full body armor. They all had black belts on and looked like they deserved them. This was not going to end well for the boy. One of them wa

lked up to him and tapped him twice on the shoulder. The boy nodded, and got into a fighting stance, or the best you can get with a straight jacket on.

The first ran up to him and threw a fist right at the boy's face. Beta let out a tiny whimper. But, to the entire groups surprise, he sidestepped, dodging the blow. With expert precision, he swung his leg out and kicked the man hard in the ribs. The man bent over and grabbed his foot before he could kick him again, that was a mistake.

The boy, without missing a beat, swung his other leg up and kicked the man right in the face. The man released his leg and grabbed his nose in pain. The teenager had no sympathy for the man and ran up to him and swung his legs out from under him. As the man was falling the teen kicked him and he flew against the wall. He was down and out.

Then the rest of the black belts ran up to the boy all ready to fight, but it was like the boy knew what was going to happen before it did and dodged every punch, kick, or other attack thrown at him. He was an incredible fighter. The bystanders watched in awe as the teenager jumped completely over an attacker and spun a kick, and sent the attacker flying across the room, hitting the wall with a sickening splat.

With in seconds he had disabled his attackers without his vision, hearing, or arms. He wasn't even breathing heavily, he had just stood there for several seconds, staring at the wall, his back to the group.

He was a taller teen, a few inches taller than Alpha. He looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. He had short shaggy blond hair that barely covered the top of his ears. He looked like he was in great shape. They figured he had compacted muscle because of the power of the kicks from the fight.

The Titans and Shadow just stood there for several seconds, dumb struck. They had never seen anyone fight that well. They all jumped when he turned his head a quarter and spoke.

"So, what did you think?"

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