Chapter λ (Lambda)

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Chapter λ (Lambda)

(authors note: SidneyArden loves the name of this chapter)

"Do you really think we should trust that guy?" Beta said. They were walking away from the building, or what remained of it. None of them wanted to be there anymore then they had to, too many bad memories of that place. They wanted to get as far away from that place as possible. They were heading down the trail they had gone down a few days previous. They had kept the radio that they had taken off the man. They planned to use it to communicated when Omega was going to travel through the bridge and they were needed. Until then, they did not want to be close to that building nor its inhabitants.

"Of course we can," Gamma said. "You heard him, he wants to help this world. Why would we not trust him."

"I don't know," Epsilon said, pushing away a branch that he had ran into before and moved it behind him so it wouldn't hit him again. "The last time we saw him he tried to kill us."

"Well, now he needs us." Alpha said. "The world needs us."

"So, I guess we have no choice but to help." Beta said. They walked in silence again before Gamma broke the silence by asking the question that was on everyones mind.

"Why are we walking if I can portal us away?" Gamma said. The rest of them stopped and stared at her. She shrugged and created a portal right in front of her. "Well, it's here, if you want it." She said jumping in. The rest of them looked at each other and jumped in. They landed in the room that they had slept in the night before. The chair was missing and two bats took its place.

"Guys sleep, we'll keep watch tonight." Beta said while Gamma groaned.

"No complaints here," Alpha said jumping and face planting it on the bed. It didn't take long for his deep sleep snoring to fill the room. Beta walked over to the wall by the window and leaned against it. Gamma leaned against the door. Epsilon went over to Beta and sat next to her.

"You should get some sleep," she said.

"Im not tired," he said looking over at her. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"What a day," she said leaning her head back against the wall.

"I agree, I didn't wake up this morning knowing I had to save the world from another worldly force bent on destroying our world. Had I known, I wouldn't have gotten up." He said and Beta laughed at that.

"Neither would I. I have enough trouble getting up as it is," Beta replied and they both laughed. They both sat in silence, enjoying each others company. Then Beta turned to Epsilon, her long brown hair falling down her face as she turned her head.

"I'm scarred," she said in a soft voice. Epsilon grabbed her hand and held it.

"I know, I am too," He replied.

"This whole thing, is just, I don't know." Her voice trailed off as she tried to find the right words. "We have to protect the entire world. Us! It's all on our shoulders."

"I know, but I'll never leave your side." Epsilon said. "I will always protect you." She nodded and looked at her feet.

"I know, I know," she said and looked up at him and smiled. A small tear forming in her eye. He returned the smile and put his arm around her and held her.

"Everything will be ok," he said reassuringly. She nodded. "Omega is perfectly capable of handling everything and if not they have to go through us. They won't stand a chance." That got a small chuckle out of her.

"Yeah, i guess your right." She said and rested her head back on his shoulder. She leaned her head next to his. He, feeling daring, turned his head and kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes wide in surprise and

blushed a little. Epsilon also turned a little red.

"Sorry," he said slightly embarrassed.

"No, don't be," she said leaning her head to kiss him. They both closed there eyes and leaned in closer.

"Get a room, you too." Gamma said in a really loud voice. They moved away from each other really quickly and turned redder then tomatoes. Epsilon grinned and looked up at Gamma.


"Don't mention it." She replied, smiling to herself. Beta and Epsilon looked at each other again.

"I should probably get some sleep," he said.

"Yeah, i should get back to guarding the window." She said, smiling. He smiled back and settled on the floor because Alpha took up the entire bed. He only was able to sleep for a few minutes. He woke up to a voice that he was hoping he'd never hear again in his life.

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon? Anyone pick up." A distorted voice cracked over the radio in Epsilon's pocket. He groaned and pulled it out of his pocket and pressed the button.

"What?" he said, still half asleep.

"The bridge is collapsing. Get over here. ASAP." The voice on the radio said and clicked off.

"I'm guessing that means now," Epsilon said pushing himself off the floor. He smacked Alpha in the head to wake him up. "Wake up, lazy bum. We have to go." He quickly woke up and got out of the bed. Epsilon looked over and noticed Beta was staring at him. They both quickly looked away.

"Alright, time to go." Gamma said creating a portal in the floor. They all ran up and jumped in it. They landed in the room with the Bridge. In the room was the man with the eyepatch and Omega. The drumming from behind the portal got louder and faster. It had begun.

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