Chapter Xi

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Authors Note: Five Wattpad pages!!!

Chapter Xi

Destroyed Laboratory wing: Prometheus

Epsilon slowly regained consciousness. He felt his head resting backwards against a stonewall. It was cold and quiet. There was a familiar smell in the air that was unrecognizable but defiantly familiar. Epsilon's brain was clouded. It was hard to think straight. Epsilon tried to reason what had happened but the second he did, his brain started throbbing until he stopped.

He slowly opened his eyes and bent his head forward, every muscle in his body protesting the motion. He was in a dark room, only illuminated by the rising of the sun out the window high on the wall. It created a bright square on the floor. The room looked very familiar, Epsilon knew he was suppose to know what this place was but was too tired to realize what it was.

He soon realized he was lying out flat and slowly started sliding himself into a sitting position. He felt something brush against his chest. He looked down and saw Beta's head resting on it. He gently lifted her head up and sat up, replacing her head on his knee.

He noticed a small dart sticking out of Betas neck. He quickly removed it then located his own and took it out as well. Upon farther examination, he noticed it was very small; it must have come out of the gun fired at the group. It must have been what had knocked them out. Probably a muscle relaxer.

Epsilon slowly cracked the remaining knots in his neck, slowly regaining control of his body again. He looked around to see Alpha slouched up against the wall, his eyes closed and breathing very slowly. He stirred as if he might wake but his eyes remained shut and his breathing returned to normal. Gamma was sitting, curled up by the wall as if just dropped and discarded. She was snoring softly with the occasional sharp intake of breath that could cause a much louder snore. She looked peaceful as if this were just a nap as opposed to being knocked out. She was drooling a bit and there was a small puddle by her mouth.

Epsilon felt a small amount of pressure around his ankle and looked down. There was a small disk around his ankle with a black cord running around his leg and connecting to the wall behind him. He looked around and noticed the same disk around the rest of the group's ankles. They were all attached with a small cord running towards the wall, tangling together.

Suddenly the rest of his team all started to move again, Gamma first, followed by Beta. Their eyes slowly opening and looking around the room, confused as Epsilon. Beta quickly jerked her head up as she woke up and then grabbed her neck and grimaced in pain. Her muscles were still very sore. Epsilon looked down and smiled at her, a small sign telling her everything was alright. She rested her head back and waited for the drug to wear off. Epsilon ran a hand slowly through her hair.

"Good morning," a voice called out from the middle of the room. The group jumped and looked over startled. They saw a man sitting in a small chair, his fingers intertwined. He had small rectangle glasses and a composer of a calm demeanor as if he was totally in charge and knew it. He was the same man that shot them earlier. He had a small smile on.

"Who are you," Alpha asked, his voice coming out in an exhausted and worn-out voice as if he had just run a mile.

"It's a valid question and one that I expected," the man said, crossing his legs and sitting in a very casual position with a causal tone. "Not a question I will fully answer at the present time. Right now, you may call me 'Director'"

"So, Mr. Director," Epsilon begin. "I don't think we will be requiring turndown service tonight as we will be escaping shortly."

"You may be wondering why you are here," the Director continued as if he didn't hear Epsilon or he didn't want to dignify his comment with a response. "It's a fair question and only natural."

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