Chapter Rho *New*

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Chapter Rho

The small makeshift flag waved on some invisible breeze coming from a vent on the wall. The small brightly lit square room had six occupants, making the room look smaller than it actually was. This was the third time they had been in the room since the morning before last. They had all grown use to the weird lighting that made the room look like a hospital.

The room shook and rose as if it were a giant elevator. Epsilon just stood there, his arms folded across his chest, barely loosing balance from the move. The sleeves of his gray and black two toned track jacket had been sloppy rolled up, revealing his still retracted wrist blades. He was standing a few paces from the wall, idly shifting his weight on to his right foot then back to his left. The just about the rest of the team looked about as relaxed.

Alpha was leaning against a wall, his eyes closed, as if he had just fallen asleep standing up. Upon second inspection, Epsilon reasoned that he had indeed fallen asleep standing up and just fallen against the wall. Epsilon didn't blame him, they had not gotten much sleep for a few days. Sure they had been knocked out several times, but that didn't count as very good for their REM cycle.

Epsilon looked down at a small glowing object in Alpha's hand. It was dark and unreflective, the bight light doing nothing to reflect on the metal. Epsilon craned his neck and saw it was the handle of a small handgun. Alpha was creating it out of his own subconscious. They had all done similar things like that, even Epsilon sometimes woke up invisible and no knowing why. The subconscious section of the mind can often take over the section that allows for their controls. In this case, Alpha feels he needed a handgun for some reason. Epsilon wasn't going to complain, although he would never use one, he knew Alpha was a very good shot but hoped it was never needed. Epsilon was against guns at all costs. He would rather die then be able to kill from a distance. He preferred a more challenging approach.

Epsilon took his glance away from Alpha and looked over to see Gamma, sitting on the floor with Shadow. Her hair was pulled back, the first time in a while that Epsilon was able to see her ears and eyes. She was discussing something with Shadow but he couldn't make out what it was. He saw Gamma say something and Shadow quickly retorted, adding his own comment. Whatever he had said had sent them both into fits of laughter. Epsilon, not having a clue about what the joke was, couldn't help but smile seeing Gamma so happy. He had rarely seen her this happy. It was almost never. She was in no wise depressed in anyway, but rather kept to herself. Gamma was an enigma to Epsilon. Still, he was happy she was happy. He quickly realized that she and Shadow were sitting and talking the exact same way as Beta and himself had done previous. They had become a quick couple in the past few hours. Epsilon wished them the best.

He glanced past the flag and saw Beta, standing with her back to him. Epsilon couldn't see her face but knew her eyes could be closed in deep concentration. Beta and Omega were currently forming a complex maze, one with intricate levels and stairways. The shaking Epsilon had felt moments previous was the entire floor rising several stories into the air. Omega was standing in front of a small computer implanted into the wall while Beta was standing in front of the hallway, her arm outstretched, reconfiguring the maze.

Beta had shut off all other mental activity, except the small thin emergency connection they all shared and swore they wouldn't sever. The normal communication channel was offline so none of the group could hear his own thoughts but the emergency connection still allowed for senses. The entire group was getting a small boost of energy from Alpha's sleep and warm feelings from Gamma's own body. They were connected far stronger than any other team. That is why they never lose, that is what makes them a great team.

Epsilon did wish the communication channel was open. He wanted to talk to Beta, see how she was doing. She had seemed upset before and they haven't had a chance to talk since then. Beta had a tenancy to bottle up her anger and release it all at once when the slightest thing went wrong. It wasn't her fault, she is too afraid to show weakness so she hides it. The problem is that it tends to leak out and affect the other members of the team. Unless Epsilon could help. But he knew not to interrupt her now. She was deep in thought and focus that couldn't be disrupted. Her own hair, which was normally maintained through her own psychic energy, was down in her face in front of her eyes. Epsilon knew she had hated that and wanted to cut it but never got around to doing it.

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