Chapter Gamma

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Chapter Gamma (γ)

Epsilon and Beta walked up to the front steps of their house and slowly opened the door. They were greeted by a frown and cold stare from Alpha. His arms were folded across his chest and he didn't speak when they walked in. Epsilon and Beta just gave him weird inquisitive expressions until Alpha jerked his head to the clock on the wall. They both read it and noticed it said 8:46PM. They both cringed and stared at each other wide eyed.

"You both better have a pretty darn good excuse for missing my show," Alpha said. For the past few months Alpha had been earning money by performing magic tricks as a magician. He started off as just a lowly magician, impressing children at birthday parties and other such events. He worked his way up and a month ago, he got his own weekly show at a theater to fill the hours during the weekdays.

He was known as 'Trevor Green: The Alchemist of Paris.' He was known for doing his signature tricks like the vanishing man (Epsilon always volunteered), object levitation (Beta's specialty), and his vanishing chest. An object or, on a particularly busy night, a person was placed in a closed locked chest suspended in midair and suddenly reappear in a identical chest submerged underwater several yards away (Gamma's idea). Then there was his trick that earned him his nickname, turning metal into gold (Alpha was able to do that solo).

It wasn't much but it made them money. They all got odd jobs around and would sometimes resort to stealing the money. Most of the money they made was from catching wanted criminals and collecting the reward money.

"It takes all of us to do our show. I know you guys don't appreciate it like I do, but we get money from it. Do you want to go broke? I hope you have a good reason for not showing," Alpha said again.

"We did as a matter of fact," Beta said.

"Bank robber," Epsilon simply stated. Alpha dropped his sour look at that comment but still kept his arms folded.

"Bank robber?" Alpha questioned. "Yes, I think I heard something about that. So did you guys get some reward money?" They shifted their stances.

"Thing is," Beta started, but couldn't find the right words and looked to Epsilon.

"We couldn't catch him," Epsilon said. Alpha paused and looked at them both with a confused expression on his face.

"You both have supernatural powers, how could you not catch him?" Alpha asked.

"He, uh, jumped over a building..." Beta said slowly.

"Like superman?" Alpha asked.

"Also he had a gun," Epsilon added, trying to change the subject.

"A gun?" Alpha repeated. "You have supernatural powers and you were outsmarted by average bank robber?"

"With a gun," Epsilon added. Beta chuckled but was quickly silenced but a sharp look from Alpha. He shook his head and walked away. Once he was around a corner Beta and Epsilon started laughing again. Their laughter was quickly cut off by the doorknob turning. Beta and Epsilon quickly jumped to the defensive, fists raised ready for a fight.

It had been several months since the incident with Zeet and their escape and they still were a bit paranoid. They still kept watch and slept in shifts. They rarely left the house at night (except Gamma who always left to go partying). They tried to leave the house in pairs but sometimes people broke that rule. Nothing had happened in between that time. They had moved around a lot to avoid being followed by anyone and eventually settled down in a small apartment in Paris. That didn't calm their nerves however and they always remained on guard. Needless to say, whenever a door turned, they were ready.

The door slowly opened and Epsilon ran at it and threw it open. He threw a punch at head of the dark figure at the door. A hand rose and grabbed Epsilons arm, twisting it. He flipped forward and fell on the floor. The dark figure walked through the door.

"Blimey, Epsilon," Omega said walking through the door and extending a hand to help him up. "Sorry, I guess instinct kicked in."

"Sorry, didn't know it was you," Epsilon said, grabbing Omega's outstretched arm and pulling himself to his feet.

"What's with all the ruckus?" Gamma said appearing from behind a hallway wall.

"Sorry," Beta said. "Epsilon was just trying to keep Omega on his toes."

"Ok, well im off," Gamma said walking toward the door. She didn't stop to open the door but instead a greenish glowing mist covered the front of the door and Gamma walked straight through it before the mist engulfed Gamma and she vanished. They could hear her footsteps on the other side of the door walk down the steps.

"Why do we even buy doors?" Alpha said walking out of the kitchen. He stopped and noticed Omega standing there for the first time. "Hey Omega, did you hear about Epsilons and Betas day? They were outsmarted by an average Joe criminal."

"Yeah but he jumped over a building, at least fifteen stories tall," Beta interjected. Omega stopped untying his shoes.

"Did you notice anything else particular about him?" He asked, a weird look in his eye. Beta was taken aback.

"No, not really," she replied.

"Was he tall?" Omega asked.

"Yeah," Epsilon replied. Omega's eyes grew wider.

"Did you notice anything unusual about his face? Anything at all?" He asked desperately.

"No, he was wearing a mask," Beta said slowly, watching Omega as if he might go mad. But instead he finished untying his shoes and got up, a normal expression on his face.

"Well that's weird. I'm sure you'll get him next time," he said and walked away leaving them all in a state of utter confusion.

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