Chapter ε (Epsilon)

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Chapter ε (Epsilon)


"This place gives me the creeps," Alpha said to the open air. He was walking down a hallway scanning for any signs of movement. He ran down a bunch of stairs until he knew he was way down in the basement. He must have gone down a dozen floors. But the thing he didn't get was why there was no other rooms on the floors. It just seemed like they just needed the ground level and not the floors in between. It was odd but he couldn't have that distract him. He needed to focus on his surroundings, he needed to make sure there was no one waiting to attack him. He finally got to the bottom of the stairs and looked around. So far so good, there was no one waiting at the base of the stairs. The only thing at the base of the stairs was a long hallway with a tiny bit of light at the end. "Whats with all the long hallways," Alpha thought to himself as he started down. It only took him a few minutes to get to the end but when he did he saw the light was coming from a window. It wasn't a window outside, he was too far underground and it wasn't late enough to be light. He walked over and looked in. Inside was small room, nothing on the walls or on the floor. The entire room was painted a bright white. In the center of the room there was a boy in his teens, he was a few years older then Alpha. The boy had on a straight jacket, earplugs, and a blindfold. Surrounding him was five men dressed in karate gear. They all had black belts and looked tough as nails. This was not going to end well for the boy. One of them walked up to him and tapped him twice on the shoulder. The boy nodded, and got into a fighting stance, or the best you can get with a straight jacket on. The first ran up to him and threw a punch right at his face, but oddly enough he dodged it and swung his leg out and kicked the man hard in the ribs. The man bend over and grabbed his foot before he could kick him again, that was a mistake. The boy, without missing a beat, swung his other leg up and kicked the man right in the face. The man released his leg and grabbed his nose in pain. The teenager had no sympathy for the man and ran up to him and swung his legs out from under him. As the man was falling the teen kicked him and he flew against the wall. He was down and out. Then the rest of the black belts ran up to the boy all ready to fight, but it was like the boy knew what was going to happen before it did and dodged every punch, kick, or other attack thrown at him. He was an incredible fighter. With in seconds he had disabled his attackers without his eyes, ears or hands. Was he another human weapon? They had better get out of here before they had to fight him. He turned to head back up the stairs and thats when he saw the patrol. It was small patrol of three guard. "Man, this place has enough men to form a large army." Alpha said to himself. There was no way they weren't going to see him if he kept going up the stairs so he had to get them first. He looked at the ground and found a few small rocks. He had the ability to change anything into anything he wanted. So he took those rocks and changed them into a knife. He then threw it right at one of them. He when down fast and his buddies looked around confused. Alpha grabbed his spear he picked up from the first wave they saw before and ran at then. He swung it low and tripped the first. The second was faster and tried to stab Alpha. Alpha grabbed his spear and turned it in to a deadly snake. Alpha then took off running towards the stairs he had just come down. He took them up four at a time, until he got to the top. He then proceeded to run down towards a door he saw in the distance. He stopped and looked in before going in. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," he said as he threw the door open and ran in.

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