Chapter Delta

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Chapter Δ Delta

The street corner was silent and empty except for several crows pecking at a some garbage on the ground, when a man fell from the building above and landed in a crouch silently on the road below. He was wearing jeans with a black jacket, open to revel a gray shirt under. He slowly got up and surveyed his surroundings. Once he seemed satisfied, he began to walk down the street, his shoes the only sound on that cold dark night. He had spent about a week on the street already and knew every street, where every turn lead, how to get somewhere the fastest. He learned which streets are more populated and which are not.

It was a skill he quickly honed in on, being away from his team for so long. He was sent out on a mission, not expecting to return for several days in case he was being followed. Their protocol was to lie low. They wanted to make sure he wasn't being tailed. That would put the entire team at risk, not that they couldn't handle themselves. The man had been taught and trained how to learn to adapt, react and survive in difficult or unknown terrain. It just came natural to him now. He had found shelter, food, and water in this unknown city, several hours after arriving. He had been trained well.

He had so rapidly prepared that it left him a considerable amount free time to himself. He spent it roaming the streets and major parts of the city, pickpocketing spare change from passing pedestrians as he went along. He had to make money some how. Any food he didn't buy, he stole. It was how he lived. It was either that or starve, and the latter was not an option he was willing to take gladly. He'd been taught too well.

At night, he would go to dance clubs and parties. Anything to keep him preoccupied and in a large room filled with a lot of people. That's where he felt most safe, rather than out in the open somewhere.

He continued walking down the street, passing a briefly illuminated billboard for "'Trevor Green: The Alchemist of Paris' show. 9:45-10:00pm Thursdays" before the streetlight flickered again, plunging the sign into darkness. His destination was unknown to him nor did it matter much in his mind. He didn't care where he ended up, as long as he just got somewhere.

Just as he was about to turn and head back to his makeshift shelter, he felt a breeze of wind behind him. He slowly turned to see a woman standing there. She wasn't there before, it was almost as if she had just appeared.

She was tall with short cut brown hair that went a few inches past her shoulders. He was wearing a tan jacket and jeans with black running shoes. On her face was a tattoo of a red heart, rotated at a 45 degree angle, covering her eye and part of her cheek and forehead. When she blinked, the heart fully completed as there was a dark print on her eyelid as well.

"Heart," the man said tipping an imaginary hat at the woman. "Long time no see, how have you been?"

"We don't have time for chit-chat Diamond," the woman called Heart replied. The man she refereed to as Diamond was called by that name cause he too had a black tattoo on his eye but his was in the shape of a diamond.

"Why not?" Diamond replied. "We have plenty of time, there's a nice dance club down the stre-."

"We found them," Heart interrupted, face serious.

"Finally," Diamond said, Heart went on as if she hadn't heard what he said.

"We tracked them to their home and watched them. They are good, really good. We barely saw them at all."

"What took you guys so long?" Diamond asked.

"Oh, sorry," Heart mockingly replied. "I didn't mean to make you wait. It must have been so tough, nothing to do but lounge around and go to dance clubs. It must have been so hard for you."

"Apology excepted," Diamond said with a small mischievous grin. Heart groaned.

"Lets just get back to the base," she said walking away. "Tomorrow we strike."

"Run along," Diamond said with the same smile. Heart turned back staring at him for a moment. Then, in the blink of an eye, took off running in a blur of speed until she disappeared completely. Diamond put his hands in his jacket pocket and started walking towards their home. He passed a night club and saw a girl with long black hair walking towards the club. She turned and looked at him with two dark green eyes and winked and then walked into the club, Diamond following close behind.

* * * * * * *

The room was an eery silent. Epsilon was sitting on the couch relaxing while Beta sat reading a newspaper next to him. It was the first time they both had relaxed and let their guard down enough to fully relax. They had never felt that way before and they thought it felt wonderf

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