Chapter Chi

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Chapter Chi

Jeff and Carl watched as Epsilon's arm healed itself over in a matter of seconds. With a wound like that he shouldn't even be able to move his arm. They looked around to see the team had surrounded them and were slowly closing in.

"Carl," Jeff thought. They shared a mind so Carl would be able to read Jeff's thoughts and vise versa.

"Yes Jeff?" Carl thought back as he felt his legs move as Jeff started walking backwards, away from the Titans.

"I think we have overstayed our welcome," Jeff answered.

"I agree." Carl said.

"Maybe this fight could be won at a different time and place." Jeff stated. Carl agreed.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Carl said out loud. "You've been great."

"But unfortunately, the time had come for us to depart." Jeff said.

"You're leaving so soon?" Epsilon asked. "What a shame, it was just getting good."

"Yes, but don't worry, we'll see each other again some other time," Jeff retorted.

"Besides," Carl said. "You've got your hands full already." He said and lifted an arm and pointed it a small building. Instantly, small explosions went off around the base of the building. With in a matter of seconds, it started crumbling to the ground.

"There are twelve people in that building," Carl said, backing away.

"Don't let us keep you," Jeff said and turned around and started running, revealing Carl's face for a split second. They saw his smug smile before it blurred and they disappeared.

Carl saw the Titans spring into action and run into the building to save anyone inside. They both laughed as they sprinted away and turned down a corner into an alley. Jeff took that moment to put on a hood. It covered Carl's face but it was better than walking down the street and people noticing you had two faces. They got enough weird looks anyway for their height.

Jeff turned back out of the alley and started running again. They both laughed again until that laughter was drowned out by the scream of loud sirens sounding from all sides.

They didn't need to look to see what was coming. They turned the corner and saw several police cars stopped in front of them, creating a barricade. A dozen officers were standing behind their cars, with an assortment of weapons pointed at Jeff. They didn't even need to turn around to see that a second barricade of cars was in place as the officers following all stopped their cars and got out, weapons raised.

They all started yelling things at Jeff but they weren't listening. He was just staring blankly ahead. One of the officers said something that sounded like 'hands above your head' but Jeff and Carl had no intention of doing that at all.

"This is almost too easy," Jeff said to Carl, who immediately agreed. Jeff started to raise his hands in the air but at the last moment, brought his hands together. A loud, echoing clap resounded. The next thing everyone knew, they were all being blown backwards, some of the officers flew backwards onto the pavement. Others weren't so lucky. The cars crushed the ones standing behind they as it flipped over on top of them.

Within a second, the entire police force was eliminated or otherwise in capable of moving. Jeff took off running again. He only got a few steps before he heard a loud motor from behind him.

Jeff looked to the right to see a large black van. It was racing towards them, swerving in and out of cars. As it caught up to them, Jeff could read the four silver letters on the side of the van. Jeff saw it read 'G.E.A.R' before the sliding door opened and a man standing there behind a large turret.

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