Chapter ζ (Zeta)

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Chapter ζ (Zeta)

Beta waited for the pain but it never came. Instead what did come was a sound of wood breaking. Beta opened her eyes and saw the spear was nothing more then a stick and the tip had been cut off. The guard that had held the spear was looking at it with a look of fear and confusion. Beta was just confused, until she saw the guards stomach cave in and he flew across the room.

"Epsilon?" Beta asked.

"I can't leave you alone for five-seconds before you get in to some sort of trouble," came a voice from her left. Then Epsilon started to reappear, he was standing there, smiling at her. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Wow, I'm sure glad you showed up," she said smiling back. They stood there for a few moments smiling at each other until a voice broke the silence.

"Hey, if you two love birds wouldn't mind breaking it up and focusing for a second. If you haven't noticed we have a small problem on our hands," came a familiar voice from behind them.

"Alpha, it seems like we can never get rid of you," Epsilon said. "Your like an annoying puppy, you keep coming back."

"I missed you too," Alpha replied.

"Hey, what about me?" came a voice from above. They all looked up and saw a portal open up and Gamma fell through it and landed in the middle of them.

"Who invited you?" Epsilon said.

"We missed you too," Beta said, elbowing Epsilon in the ribs.

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but," Alpha said pointing at the small army in front of them.

"Oh yeah, them." Beta said.

"Well it doesn't matter anymore," Gamma said. "I found a way out." She finished by opening a portal and pointing at it. Instantly when the portal opened people started filing out. Another small army they had to worry about. At the head of it was a tall man with thick dark black hair and an eyepatch. Apparently he knew how to use the portal Gamma left and brought his personal guard through with him.

"Oh great," Gamma said. "Whose the pirate?"

"I'm your worst nightmare," He said in a raspy voice. "I can either be a friend or an enemy. It's your choice which I will become."

"Scary," Alpha wispered to Epsilon. They both tried to choke back laughter.

"It looks like you just made your choice," Eyepatch man said. "Kill them." He said to his army. After they heard his command they ran towards the team of four. They all got ready to fight, even though this was a fight they knew they might not win. The army got close and the team of four tensed for the battle. Then they all heard something in their heads that surprised them. A single word. "Duck." Beta, the only one that knew where it was coming from, hit the floor first and the rest quickly followed. A few seconds later there was a shock-wave that flew over their heads taking out everyone in the room that was standing, except the eyepatch man. Beta saw him jump back in the portal right as she hit the ground. The shock-wave stopped and they stood up. They saw the cased creature breathing deeply, and slouched over. He had used all his energy to create a shock-wave to save their lives. Beta walked up to the tube.

"Thank you," Beta said. The creature just nodded its head. "Do you need help, do you want us to get you out?" Beta asked.

"No," the voice in there heads replied. "Don't waste time trying to get me out. Save yourselves. This place is rigged to blow. I'll be fine" it added when it saw the look of concern on their faces. "Now go!" They didn't stick around to see if it would change its mind. Gamma opened a portal and they all jumped through. They ended up in next to a few trees facing the lab. A few seconds later, the entire building exploded in a huge fireball. They saw a dark figure flying away in the darkness. They were finally out, now what?

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