Chapter Lambda *New*

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Chapter Lambda

The Titans followed behind the holographic image leading the way in front of them. They heard the small tap of its footsteps and realized that there must be speakers everywhere projecting even the slightest sound of the computer image to add to the effect.

"We got tricked by a computer wiz nerd," Gamma thought, Beta picking up the thought and projecting it to the team. Shadow stifled a laugh while Beta and Epsilon laughed thoughts out to the group.

"Right now, we just need to focus, this might be our only way out of here," Alpha projected.

"We just need to find the real Victor and read him then we'll get out of here," Beta said to the agrees of everyone else. They all stopped walking after they noticed Victor had stopped in front of a large window. They each gathered around the window and looked out. They saw a large room with several walls interlocking together. They quickly saw a large red flag waving in the upper right corner of the room. The room resembled a giant maze. The walls of the maze were quickly sliding around to cause new mazes every few minutes.

At the inception of the maze was a group of three. They were each armed with large staffs, knifes, or whatever make shift weapon they could get their hands on. The Titans knew that experiments or security in charge of guarding experiments weren't permitted to have guns or firearm weapons and were thus forced to use primitive weaponry.

They started running straight through the maze, turning corners and sprinting forward almost at random. The Titans watched as they turned a corner and a wall slid behind them. The team didn't even notice and continued running forward, into a dead end. They turned back and realized they were boxed in.

The Titans could almost feel the fear radiating off the small team. They sprinted back again to the wall, searching frantically for exits or different paths. They realized their misfortune in that they were trapped and entered into a sloppy formation, readying their weapons.

A spilt second later, there was a dark blur and one of the three disappeared. The remaining two looked back and double took as they saw they were missing a member of their group. They quickly slid back to back and raised their weapons high. The Titans watched as there was another blur and one of the teammates vanished and was replaced by woman. The newcomer quickly raised an arm and extended it rapidly, sending the other petrified man across the room into the wall where he crumpled to the ground.

A dark figure appeared next to woman and stood next to her, standing tall in their victory, holding the flag. They quickly tapped their fists together.

"Defenders victory!" A robotic voice boomed over the P.A. system, one that the Titans recognized. It was the same one that would announce their own victory. Several men in dark suits ran into the maze and dragged the fallen team out. Another group of men in lab coats walked up to the victors and exchanged a few words before they started escorting them out of the room. The Titans noticed them as the same men who would clean up after their own battles and escort them back to their holding facility.

"This is another experiment isn't it?" Beta asked watching as the team was escorted out of the room and disappeared. "Just another test to you people." she said with a hint of malice in her voice that Epsilon had only heard a few times before. She was normally a very peaceful person but when she was angry, she destroyed anyone in her way. She always fought for what she believed in and Epsilon feared for the people in her way.

"Its for a better purpose," Victor said nonchalantly clasping his arms around his back.

"What's going to happen to them?" She said gesturing to the group being violently dragged out of the room. "Are you just going to kill them? Are you just going to dispose of them because you don't need them anymore." She said, her voice rising. Epsilon walked up behind her and put an arm around her, trying to calm her down.

"Its for a better purpose," Victor said again. Epsilon could sense she was about to say something else but gave her a look of compassion.

"Let it go for now," Epsilon thought, opening up a private connection between them. "We'll get them back but now is not the time." She didn't like the decision but nodded anyway.

"Regardless," Victor went onto say. "You six have proven very formable opponents and I feel in the mood for some entertainment. So I'll cut you a deal. You play my game and win against my best team you just saw, and I'll give you a location outside of the facility. Sound fair?" They didn't answer. Beta was still trying to calm herself down.

"I'll take that as a 'Do we really have a choice?' the answer of course is no," He said with a small smile, hoping to get a laugh from it. He didn't. "Anyway," he continued clearing his throat quickly. "The rules are simple.

"The room is made up of a large maze. One mile by one mile. There are attackers and defenders. The attackers run through the maze and try to reach the flag on the other side of the room. Similar to the rules of capture the flag. All they are required to do is touch the flag with all five fingers of one hand to win.

"Then there are defenders. Their job is to defend the flag from the group. They can change the dynamics of the maze, using mostly psychic energy, and change the path of the maze. They also can designate the location of the flag at the beginning of the match but cannot change it. For them to achieve victory, they must defend their flag and disable all the attackers.

"Other than that, everything goes. The rules are very simple to follow. Oh, and one other thing, its double elimination rules. Sound simple enough?" Victor asked.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Gamma said bored already. She had the attention span of a goldfish. "Who is this so called greatest team?"

"You just saw them leave," Victor said gesturing to the room with the maze.

"Alright, lets get this over with," Omega spoke up. "Let's do it. Get them back out here."

"Hey hey," Victor said rapidly. "Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. You should start farther down to practice and learn about the game itself."

"No," Shadow spoke up for the first time. "This ends now."

Titans Trivia

The entire Titan's story was based off of one word...Epsilon. An acquaintance of mine said that word to me and the entire story seemed to fall into place at that moment. By coincidence, Epsilon plays a prominent part of the story. The title of the Titans originally was named 'Epsilon' then the name changed to 'Guardian Angels' before the Greek theme came into play and I settled on the name 'The Titans.'

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