Chapter Alpha

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Ahh...I missed these guys. Didn't you? Sorry everyone else, these are my favorite characters.

Chapter Alpha

Leaning against a wall of a market, Epsilon stared across the street to a table. He wasn't so much staring at the table itself but rather the person sitting at it. She had the most beautiful red hair that she grew out several inches over the past few months so it ran about halfway down her back. She was the most beautiful person he ever saw. As he was staring at her, a woman walking down the street carrying a load of groceries ran into him, spinning almost spilling her groceries.

"Excuse me," Epsilon said barely taking his eyes off the woman at the table.

"Its quite alrig-," the woman said staring at the empty wall. She scrunched up her eyebrows and looked around the empty street several times. She scratched her head and mumbled something about 'going crazy' before slowly turning around and walking away. Epsilon just stood there, invisible to the naked eye. That's just not a figure of speech though, he was literally invisible. Only a small shadow cast next to the wall, but that was unavoidable and Epsilon spent several years figuring out the best angle to stand to make the smallest shadow. He looked over at the girl sitting at the table and noticed a man with an apron walking out carrying two cups of coffee. The first was set in front of the woman and the second in front of an empty set.

"I wonder who she is expecting," Epsilon thought to himself.

"Who do you think," came a familiar voice from inside his head. He looked over and saw the girl smiling as she stirred her coffee.

"I didn't want to just go over and sit down," Epsilon thought. "That would have been rude."

"Ruder than spying on me from across the street?" Beta asked.

"Touché," Epsilon replied and went to go sit down, slowly becoming visible as he walked over. No one noticed his sudden reappearance and those that did dismissed it, thinking it to be a trick of the light.

"Just cause you can read thoughts doesn't mean you can just always read mine," Epsilon said sitting down as Beta laughed.

"There's really not that much to read," Beta replied with a small smile, Epsilon rolled his eyes. Beta looked around the outdoor café.

"This is nice isn't it?" Beta said. Epsilon nodded and took a slow drink.

"Different," Epsilon said. Beta raised her cup.

"To freedom," She said. They had been confined and locked up for too long and the first time they get out, they have chores they have to do. It's about a month since that ordeal and they were just happy for some peace and long overdue relaxation.

"To freedom."

_ _ _ _

Gamma snored herself awake sometime in the late afternoon. She slowly sat up, finally prying herself off of her pillow after many failed attempts. She ran a hand thru her newly cut very short hair. It didn't even run down her neck or reach her shoulders. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them, the light blinding her.

"Eh," she said as the light crept in from the windows and into her eyelids. "How does anyone get up this early?" She asked herself. She looked over at the clock and saw it said 2:16PM.

"Ugh," She said and rolled back under the blankets but as she did so her arm brushed something. She grabbed whatever it was and held it up to the light. It was a red rose. She held it in her hand and twirled it around for a minute, thinking. She then smacked her forehead with her other hand and got out of the bed.

"ALPHA!" She yelled once she walked out of the door to her bedroom. He stuck his head out of the kitchen down the hall. He walked out to stand by Gamma. Alpha being the tallest of them all and Gamma being the shortest, it was a weird feeling for both of them. She craned her neck up to look him in the eyes.

"Yes?" He asked in a tone as to imply nothing was amiss even though Gammas tone contradicted that. Gamma didn't respond, instead she held up the rose.

"What is this?" She asked. Alpha studied it for a minute, tilting his head every so often and studying every inch of it.

"Looks to me like a rose but I've been wrong before," Alpha said with a smile, Gamma didn't return it.

"Why was it in my bedroom?"

"I may or may not have made it and put it there." Alpha replied, smile fading.


"I don't know, you're a girl right? You like things like that, roses and shiny things right?" Alpha said confidently. Gamma stared at him, her green eyes cold. She held the flower in the palm of her hand and opened a portal below it. With in a second, the rose fell thru and disappeared. Gamma then fell thru a portal of her own.

"Women today," Alpha said walking back to the kitchen.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Omega sat on a fallen log staring off into the distance. On top of mountains was where he liked to sit and just stare off into the distance and think. He spent many days up here, sitting and staring. But today he was just looking at a photograph. It showed an image of a year or so younger Omega with his arm around a girl. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. They were both smiling. Both happy together. Omegas memory floated to back to that last day he saw her.

"Ready?" He had asked her. She had just smiled and nodded confidently. She was wearing a blue jumpsuit with a yellow T on it, Theta, while he was wearing a matching jumpsuit with a large yellow O on it. They were the best two-man team. They were going to be put to the test from a pair from the top group of four. They walked into an arena type room. There was another pair standing on the other side. One was wearing a jumpsuit with a B and the other with an E. Beta and Epsilon. They had been informed of their special talents and Omega and Theta have been informed of Beta and Epsilons. While Omega possessed the greatest fighting abilities in the world, Theta possessed super speed. A talent she had perfected over the years.

"The fight will begin in 3....2.....1....Go!" came a voice over the intercom system. Two of the four disappeared on the spot as Epsilon disappeared and Theta started running and just became a blur of colors. Omega had run at Beta but was thrown back before he could get close to her. Beta had run over and tried to attack Omega but got knocked down by the blur of Theta. She quickly stopped and smirked as Beta fell to the ground. Omega had taken that opportunity to run at Beta and try to attack her, but he was too slow again and was thrown back by a psychic energy.

"Theta, I can't get to her. I'm not fast enough," He said with a small smile. She nodded, her face serious. She was always all serious and all business during a fight. Her face disappeared as she ran at Beta. It all happened so fast. The next thing he knew, she had slowed to a stop and fell limply forward like a puppet with its strings cut. She fell to the ground several feet in front of Beta. Omega ran up and tried to see what was wrong. He noticed a large cut in her abdomen. He turned around and saw Epsilon reappearing, helping Beta to her feet. His arm was bleeding. Omega turned back to look into the face of the woman he loved.

Omega shook his head as the memories came flooding back. He looked down at the picture.

"Painful memories never seem to fade to they? They haunt your mind, eating away at the good memories until there is nothing left." He said sighing. He folded back up the picture and stuck it in the inside pocket of his jacket and walked back down the hill.

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