Chapter Kappa *New*

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Sorry guys I haven't been posting a lot. I just haven't found the time to write and just cranked out a few chapters. Sorry about that guys, please read and let me know what you think.

Chapter Kappa

Victor stared at the team in disbelief. They all stared back, not speaking, none of them made a noise except Gamma who was breathing heavily from portaling something that large. He looked past them to see the Tartarus, the last line of defense, the greatest, impenetrable force, crumbled to the pieces on the ground.

The dust finally settled and the Titans could see Victor's expression. But it wasn't fear as they had intended. It was more confident, like he had the entire situation in the palm of his hand and he was in total control. None of the Titans liked that.

"What's on his mind?" Gamma asked Beta telekinetically. With the help of Beta's power, they were able to have psychically linked minds to communicate using their thoughts. Although they preferred talking, they use it from time to time to communicate when verbal speech would be inconvenient. They use it mainly for when they are in a fight and need to converse with out giving away position or strategy.

Beta focused on Victor, her iris enlarging for a quick second. The entire team knew that meant she was trying to hack into his mind and find out everything he knows. Several seconds later, she shook her head quickly.

"I can't do it," she thought to her team, her voice in her head sounding stunned and confused.

"What do you mean, you can't do it?" Alpha thought.

"He figured out a way to block me or something. I just can't get through. Its like he isn't even there." She thought back, still stunned.

"I'm sure I can get him to talk," Epsilon thought pressing the blade closer to Victor's neck.

"Impressive," Victor said gesturing to the rubble behind them. "I mean I figured my defense assault team wouldn't be much of a match for you but I thought I would try anyway. But what you did to that," he said gesturing to the broken rubble pile that use to be the Tatarus. He then started to chuckle a bit.

"That, was something else," he ended.

"Enough talk," Epsilon said, coldness in his voice. "We're getting out of here and you are going to show us how."

"Oh, you are looking for a way out?" Victor said, laughing a bit more. "Well sure, why didn't you say so? Just follow the brightly illuminated exit signs. Make sure you sign the guest book." He said bending over, his face passing with in inches of Epsilons blade, and laughing even more.

"This isn't a joke," Gamma inputted. "This is our lives and you are going to show us the exit or things are going to be bad for you."

"Exit?" He said laughing harder. "You don't understand. There. Is. No. Exit." He said pausing after every word.

"What do you mean no exit?" Alpha asked confused. "There has to be an exit."

"This entire place is built without an exit. No one leaves, no one arrives, and no one gets out. This place is buried deep underground in impenetrable steel. There is no way to dig out. The closest thing to an exit this place has is her." He said gesturing to Gamma.

"She's the only person who has ever come close to being able to leave this place," Victor explained. "But unfortunately, you need a location in mind don't you?" Gamma didn't respond. She just held her ground. Victor took her silence to confirm his guess.

"And correct me if I am wrong but you have never been outside in the real world to collect locations have you? Luckily for you, I have. Go ahead and try to read my mind," Victor said quickly, anticipating the team would try that and fail. "But you'll find that more challenging than you had anticipated."

"What do you want?" Beta asked, only once again confirming Victor's knowledge.

"Well, there is something, now that you ask," Victor said, thinking. "There is a game I set up. It's a training exercise I invented that trains our experiments to better strategize and then carry out a plan. You play, you beat our best, I'll show you the way out of here."

"No thanks," Epsilon said. "We'll find our own way out. We're not going to be anyone's pawn any more. That's the same reason we out of here and if you wont help us, we'll find someone else that will."

The rest of the team turned back to leave. Epsilon also turned back but stopped once he heard the man start laughing again. They all turned back and Epsilon raised his wrist again ready for anything. But the man just kept laughing.

"I'm sorry, your naiveness is just hilarious to me. You think someone else will help you? Do you think anyone else can help you?" Victor asked.

"What are you saying?" Omega asked.

"I'm the only one that knows anyway out of this place. I'm the only one that has been out of this place. I'm your only hope."

"Well then, we'll get it out of you one way or another," Epsilon said and stepped forward to grab Victor by the collar. He leaned in and felt his hand grasp around thin air. He almost lost his balance and stumbled through Victor, his image fading for a brief moment before regaining the solid image.

Victor laughed out loud as he watched on a computer monitor the entire scene unfold and his own holographic image of himself laughed as well.

"You thought I would be foolish enough to just waltz around this place unprotected? Did you really think it would be that easy for you to escape?" the hologram said, mimicking Victor's speech and body language.

"That's why I couldn't read him before," Beta said aloud to the entire team.

"That's right," Victor said. "If you want out, you'll just have to go though me. It's your choice." He said and folded his arms in front of him, confidence beaming off his face.

The team didn't respond at first. They just thought for a brief moment before Epsilon finally spoke.

"What's the game?"

Titans Trivia

Gamma learned to portal several inches at a time before she learned to crawl as a infant. Scientists, for fear she would never learn to crawl and by extension, walk, administered small daily doses of the power stifling drug so she could learn to walk.

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