Chapter Delta *New*

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Chapter Delta

Continuing down the dark hallway, Alpha couldn't help but constantly look back at the newcomer. He kept looking around, shifty eyed, as if he knew he was a part of the group that didn't belong. Shadow would make eye contact with Alpha and they would both quickly look away. Alpha frankly didn't trust him.

Beta was slowly getting to know him. She was talking to him about everything. Who they were, what they've done, and what they were trying to do now. She was trying to get him to open up to her and tell him more about himself. He would respond with short one word sentences and simple phrases.

Gamma in all honesty didn't care one bit. She just kept on walking, minding her own business. If he wanted to tag along, that's fine with her as long as he didn't do anything to get them caught or killed and he stayed away from Gamma, he would be just fine.

Epsilon was the only one who felt he deserved not to trust Shadow. He attacked him and almost got him killed. He, however, trusted him. He knew that the kid wanted the same goal he did, which was to leave this place alive. So why would he do anything to compromise that plan.

They walked in silence for what felt like ages. The stillness only being broken by the sound of Beta's incessant chatter at Shadow and his basic responses. Epsilon thought it soothing, something to calm his nerves about walking down a dark hallway in a building full of mad scientists who at any moment could pop out of a corner.

They rounded another turn and headed down a flight of stairs. Suddenly they saw a large group of guards, standing there, milling about. Beta saw it first and hid against the wall, dragging Shadow with her. The rest of the team quickly followed suit.

"How many?" Alpha whispered to Beta.

"Seventeen," She replied instantly, without looking out to count. The largest group of guards they had ever encountered. Whatever they were guarding must have been very important.

Shadow started moving out from behind the cover to face the threat, totally confident that he could handle them all with out breaking a sweat. The team was sure that he could but Beta stopped him and held him back anyway.

"Let me go," he protested but Beta held him back.

"There is too many of them," Alpha started.

"I can handle myself," he replied.

"While that may be true," Gamma started. "All we need is for one of them to trigger the alarm and all we've done here is ruined."

"Then what do you propose we do?" Shadow asked.

"A situation like this requires," Epsilon said watching is arm disappear. "A more stealthy approach." He said as the rest of his body disappeared from view in front of their eyes.

Epsilon was always the stealthy one; always one who could plan and initiate an attack that took out an opponent, blind. His talents were going to be especially useful now. Once any of those guards saw any threat, they would trigger an alarm that would alert everyone in the building of their escape. Fortunately, none of them would be able to see any threat.

Epsilon didn't want to startle them by just killing them off slowly; he needed a distraction to keep them from setting of an alert. He walked up to the group of them as quietly as he could and found one standing behind another.

"Perfect," he thought to himself. He slowly walked up behind them and tapped the first guy on the shoulder. The guy turned around, confused. There was no one behind him, so he shrugged and turned back. Epsilon then when back and tapped both of them on the shoulder. They both turned to look at him at the same time.

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