Chapter ρ (Rho)

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Chapter ρ (Rho)

Beta threw the solid, locked steel door open without even touching it. It hit the wall on the inside with a loud crash.

"So much for the element of surprise," Epsilon said to Beta. She looked at him with a cold look. He recognized that look, that was what she always looked like before she fought anyone. It scared Epsilon. It was one of those if looks could kill, there wouldn't anything left.

"We don't need surprise," Beta said. "Now come on. Lets go." She said and walked inside. It was identical to the last building so Epsilon knew where to go. He walked towards the staircase and headed up it. He paused at the top and Beta walked in front of him. She threw her arm out and the door swung open with the same loud crash as was heard downstairs. This time there was only two creatures in the room. They both turned to look at them when they came barging in.

"I'll get the one on the left, you take the one on the right" Beta said out of the corner of her mouth to Epsilon. He nodded and walked up to the right one. He snapped out his wrist blades and ran up to him. He didn't move, it was as if he didn't know what was coming. Epsilon swung his arm around and cut the creature clean in half.

"Well, that was easy." He said. He looked at one half and jumped in surprise. Instead of one half of a creature, he was looking at two creatures. It had split itself in half. One of the halves picked him up by one hand and threw him over against the far wall. Beta wasn't having much luck either. She kept throwing object at the creatures with her mind and trying to bring it down but it was just standing there, staring at her. Nothing seemed to be affecting it. It didn't even move when things were hitting it.

"Little help," Beta said.

"Got my own things to deal with," Epsilon said, running towards the twin creatures. Instead of slashing them in half, he decided to just cut them and see how that went. He slashed at the first and cut a long gash down the front of it. He swung his other arm around to slash it again when an arm grabbed him from behind. He was turned around just in time to see a fist flying right towards his head. At the last minute, he ducked and the fist went flying over his head. Epsilon heard the sound of the fist as he ducked and felt his hair fly around cause of the force of the punch. It traveled over him and connected with its twin. The other creature went sailing across the room and hit the wall, slid down, and laid there. It didn't move. Epsilon used the moment of confusion to attack his twin. He slashed at it a few times until it had a fair amount of cuts, then did a spinning kick and kicked the creature against the wall right on top of his twin. When they connected, they seemed to absorb one another and become one giant blob. Epsilon then ran over to help Beta.

"Alright, I'm not busy. What do you need?" He asked. She had her arm extended straight out and all five fingers extended. The creature in front of her looked to be frozen in place. She swung her arm back and forth and the creature moved with her arm. The creature was battered around and tossed back and forth and hitting everything in sight. The creature looked unaffected. No scratches or bruises. That gave Beta an idea. She threw both hands out and extended the fingers. The creature floated in mid air, about a foot off the ground. Its arms and legs were together and it wasn't moving. Beta then shook her hands, back and forth in rapid random moments. As she did that, the creature started moving really fast, its head shaking back and forth. Beta did that for a few moments and then without warning she clapped her hands together. The creature stopped shaking and its entire inter body seemed to collapse on itself. It crumpled to the ground, not having bones to stand up, in a pile of flesh.

"What did you do?" Epsilon asked.

"Nothing I could do would affect its outer skin, so i did the only thing I could think of." Beta said. "Destroy it from the inside."

"Destroy it from the inside?" Epsilon said. "Wow, you are good."

"Thanks, now lets get back to the first base and find the others." Beta replied, turning away and walking towards the door.

"Great, now we have to walk back," Epsilon said, following her.

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