Chapter κ (Kappa)

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Chapter κ (Kappa)

The wind blew around the debris of the explosion. It was silent except for the sound of wood knocking on each other as the wind blew it around. It was still dark and most of the animals in the woods surrounding were sleeping. Regardless of the day, no animal would venture near that building if it was standing or not. The animals knew venturing close to that building meant death to them. Just then there was a bright flash of light and a portal opened and the team of four fell out on to the rubble. They recognized it as the building where they were kept their entire lives. It was the building they destroyed and escaped from a day earlier. They guessed everyone wasn't happy with the new make over they had made on it. A few seconds later the man that attacked them earlier and the man with the eyepatch appeared out of no where in front of them.

"So glad you could make it," the eye-patched man said. "Did you have any trouble finding the place?" He added with a sneer.

"We didn't have that much trouble," Gamma replied. "I love what you've done with the place." The man didn't retaliate, except he turned and waved them forward. The team followed him to a hidden trap door. They opened the door and it lead to a flight of stairs. Alpha gestured them down.

"After you," he said. They started walking down the stairs for what felt like hours. The staircase spiraled downward and it was too dark to see the bottom. They walked in silence, the only sound being their foot steps hitting the stairs and the flicker of lights as they turned on as they passed them. They all walked in silence, tense and ready to spring to attack if anything went wrong. They continued walking for a few more minutes until they reached the bottom. It ended up on a long hallway corridor with a ton of doors each side, this gave it the effect of a school or office. They walked down the corridor for several minutes before reaching a big door. It had several locks and bolts on it. The man walked up to it and pressed several buttons on a keypad by the door. The door unlocked itself and the bolts moved to open. The door opened and the man gestured them in. They all slowly walked in the room. It was empty. No chairs, no tables, no furniture. The walls were bare, painted a bright white to match the floor. The only thing out of place in this room was a giant metal panel on the wall. The team were beginning to get worried, and got on their toes in case there was a fight.

"This room needs some work," Epsilon said.

"There is a reason I brought you here," eye-patch man started. "This is the room that started it all. Let me explain. Several years ago governments started doing experiments with nuclear bombs. One of the experiments they tried out was dropping bombs down a hole and testing the explosion. Right behind this wall is where the experiment took place. What happened after is even more shocking." He said and he walked up to the metal panel in the wall and pressed his hand against the wall. The metal panel glowed a bright red color then right down the middle started glowing white. The white line split apart and moved across the wall dragging the metal with it. On the other side was a thin dark red mist that was swirling. It looked a lot like one of Gamma's portals but this one looked different. There appeared to be dark shapes floating around in it. There was a loud beating noise, like the sound of someone repeatedly hitting a drum.

"What is this?" Gamma asked.

"This is the end result of the nuclear experiment. What you are looking at is a portal, a portal to another dimension. One where our rules and laws don't apply one bit." He let that hang in the air for a few minutes before going on. "This is where you guys come in. When the portal opened and the government realized that other beings could travel into this world they decided to do something to prevent that. They put me in charge of creating protection against the portal and anyone that comes out of it. We captured one of the beings and used it to create your powers and special abilities."

"So, everyone in there," Alpha said, pointing at the portal. "Wants to come here and destroy everyone?"

"NO," the eye-patch man said so loudly they everyone jumped. They were so tense and wound up that they instantly got on guard and in to their individual fighting stances. "Sorry, no." The man said again in a much softer and quieter voice, holding up his hands. "What you must understand is that everyone in there is not evil. Only a certain group. What happened is that there was a treaty between humans and theses creatures we call the Judarans. Now we made a treaty and build a thing called the Bridge. Now that makes it so that neither one of us could travel through the portals into the others world. But we could communicate through it. My source on the other side tells me that there is a secret group planning on destroying the bridge and claiming this world as their own. Thats why I created you, to protect this land and fight off what ever comes out."

"So we were drafted into being the earth's personal body guard?" Gamma asked.

"Well, at first you seemed to be the best team to do it, so we chose you." The man continued. "But then you became runner ups to my new experiment, Omega." Just as he said that, a boy walked out of the shadows. He was a few years older then the rest of them and a few inches taller then Alpha, the tallest member of the team. He had long, shaggy blonde hair and was wearing a jumpsuit with the greek symbol of Omega on it. He was tall and well built but not really muscular. Alpha reconized him at once.

"Your that guy who took on five guys at once blindfolded and in a straightjacket." He said pointing at Omega. He looked over at the man with the eye-patch and he nodded.

"Yes, this is the boy you saw. He remembers seeing you too." The eye-patched man said. "In a matter of speaking," he added with a smile.

"But how did he fight like that?" Alpha asked.

"Simple. Even though his hearing and sight was disabled he was able to tell where the men were depending on the vibrations on the earth and the distortion of the wind around him when the men moved. He was even able to know you were there outside the room watching him. We've trained him to fight like no other. To win with no one else could. He is the best warrior we have, but you are the best team we have. Thats why you are the runner up." The eye-patched man said. "I've planned on sending Omega on a mission through the bridge and to destroy the opposing side and secret society."

"I thought you said that no one could travel through the portal it was sealed off." Epsilon said. "How is he going to get to the other side?"

"Do you hear that sound," the man replied. They all listened and heard the beating once again. "That is the sound of the bridge being destroyed. Its weaker now and now its possible to get to the other side. Its risky, but possiable."

"Then why send him through at all?" Gamma asked.

"To get the first strike, to destroy the threat before it even crosses over here." Omega said. His voice was higher for someone his height. It wasn't deep like everyone else expected. It threw them off a little.

"Exactly," the man answered.

"So why are we here?" Beta asked.

"Well, say that Omega gets to the other side and starts to destroy the threat but some come over here, we'd be defenseless, we need you to defend here while Omega is taking care of things on the other side." The man replied.

He looked at all of them once more then added. "Please, will you help defense while he is away? You are our last hope." Epsilon looked around the room. Alpha shrugged, Beta nodded, and Gamma gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"Alright," Epsilon said finally. "We're in."

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