Chapter N (Nu)

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Book Two

The Bridge.

Chapter N (Nu)

Epsilon felt like he was falling but not falling. It was too hard to describe in words how he felt as he traveled through the portal, but it felt as if his entire body was being passed under a rolling pin and flattened before falling for what seemed like forever. Finally he saw a light off in the distance and reached for it. The flash of light was blinding and Epsilon had to look away to prevent himself from damaging his eyes. A second later the light faded and Epsilon felt himself standing on solid ground. He's knees buckled for a minute because of the surprise of solid ground after falling for so long. He quickly recovered and stood up. He was standing in a plain filled with long tall grass, pacing back and forth as the wind pushed it along in the ever present dance the two of them share. The sky was lit with a purplish color that filled emptiness between the sun and the clouds. It was daybreak and the sun was just rising off in the distance. Epsilon looked behind him to see the portal floating lazily a few inches in front of the ground. He turned back and found a trail of dead grass made by people walking along the path.

"They might as well have left a map," Epsilon said to himself, as he started walking down the trail cutting down grass as he past. He walked for what felt like miles.

"Poor Beta," Epsilon said, wondering if she was alright. "Of course she is. She's a strong girl." He thought aloud but continued walking faster down the path. At that moment Alpha fell out of the portal. He, like Epsilon, didnt expect the ground to be there so he fell for a second but quickly got back up. A few seconds later he heard a loud scream and looked up. Gamma has chosen that moment to fall out of the portal as well and landed right on top of him. They both went crashing to the ground. Alpha got to his feet first and turned and put out his hand to help Gamma get back up.

"Ow," Gamma said. "Why were you just standing there? You were supposed to move so I wouldn't hit you when I came out."

"Sorry," He said pulling Gamma to her feet. "I forgot." They both looked around slowly.

"Where are we?" Alpha asked.

"I don't know," Gamma replied. "Let's find out." She said pointing at the trail of tall grass. Alpha went closer and looked at the foot prints.

"Omega went this way, then was dragged back here. Then three more pairs of feet went this way." Alpha said pointing. "Beta is this way."

"What about Epsilon?" Gamma asked. Alpha pointed at the cut grass in the middle of the trail.

"He went this way too." Alpha said, walking down the trail. "Come on, lets go." It didn't take them long to find Epsilon. He was sitting behind a rock, staring out at a building in the distance. They walked up behind him.

"This is where they are keeping her. I've followed the trail up to here." Epsilon said without looking around. He knew they were there before they said anything. "I'm going in."

"We're coming too." Gamma said.

"No," Epsilon said. "I'm flying solo on this." He jumped over the rock and started heading for the building. He stopped and turned back. "If I'm not back in ten minutes, come in after us. Get Beta out of there." Then he disappeared.

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